Researchers Database

UGAWA Shinya

    Graduate School of Medical Sciences Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience Professor
Last Updated :2024/09/07

Researcher Information


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 味覚   ENaC   聴覚・平衡覚受容チャネル   機械刺激受容チャネル   一次繊毛   感覚器   酸感受性イオンチャネル   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Neuroscience - general
  • Life sciences / Otorhinolaryngology
  • Life sciences / Pathobiochemistry
  • Life sciences / Anatomy


  •        -   Osaka University  Faculty of Medicine

Association Memberships

  • 日本神経科学学会   日本神経化学会   日本解剖学会   

Published Papers


Awards & Honors

  • 2005 日本神経化学会最優秀奨励賞
  • 2001 日本解剖学会奨励賞

Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2024/04 -2028/03 
    Author : 岩田 宏満; 柴田 泰宏; 加藤 洋一; 鵜川 眞也; 粂 和彦; 歳藤 利行; 冨田 淳; 嶋田 逸誠; 荻野 浩幸; 平山 亮一
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2027/03 
    Author : 鵜川 眞也; 岩崎 真一; 柴田 泰宏; 島田 昌一; 熊本 奈都子; 村上 信五; 植田 高史
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 渡辺 正哉; 渋谷 正史; 鵜川 眞也; 植田 高史
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 熊本 奈都子; 鵜川 眞也; 澤本 和延
    ASIC1aは水素イオンで開く陽イオンチャネルであり、脳では、神経細胞に発現し、シナプス小胞から神経伝達物質とともに開口放出された水素イオンをシナプス後膜にて受容することで、神経情報伝達に関与している。一方、虚血時には、嫌気性解糖の亢進により病変局所に水素イオンが蓄積するが、これに応答して開いたASIC1aは、細胞内へ陽イオンを流入させ、細胞の興奮に働く。虚血時に活性化されたASIC1aが成体脳海馬神経新生にどのような影響を与えるかを明らかにする。我々はまず、新生ニューロン特異的ASKC1a欠損マウスを用い、ASIC1aが虚血脳において神経幹/前駆細胞の増殖、生存に与える影響を検討した。新生ニューロン特異的ASIC1a欠損マウス(Nestin-CreERT2/lox-ASIC1a-loxマウス)にTMX(タモキシフェン)を5日間連続腹腔内投与し、神経幹/前駆細胞のASIC1aを欠損させた。最後のTMX投与の3日後に左側中大脳動脈永久閉塞MCAOを行って梗塞巣を作製した。その3日後にBrdUを単回腹腔内投与し、2時間後に脳を摘出、BrdUの蛍光免疫染色を行い、BrdU陽性(増殖)細胞の数を評価した。同様の脳虚血モデルマウスを用い、12時間ごとにBrdUを計6回 腹腔内投与し、BrdU最終投与から28日後に脳を摘出、BrdUの蛍光免疫染色を行い、BrdU陽性細胞(生存細胞)の数をカウントした。MCAOでは中大脳動脈支配領域である線条体と大脳皮質に梗塞巣が形成されるが、C57BL6系マウスは梗塞巣の大きさにばらつきがあり、データに個体差があるため、現在N数を増やして野生型マウスの脳虚血モデルマウスと比較検討中である。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 近藤 貴子; 鵜川 眞也; 田辺 賢一; 稲垣 彰; 三好 規之
    感音性難聴の発症・進行には、食生活、酸化ストレスおよび生活習慣病など様々な要因が影響することがわかっている。ただし、腸内環境を改善する ことで宿主に有益な効果をもたらす難消化性食品成分である「プレバイオティクス」が感音性難聴に有効であるかは未知である。2021年度の計画では、早発性進行性難聴モデ ル(DBA/2Jマウス)を用いて、プレバイオティクスであるフラクトオリゴ糖(FOS)を投与し難聴進行抑制を検討するためにABR検査を用いた機能的解析をする予定であった。しかしながらコロナ感染対策に伴う共同研究の実施困難など動物実験が実施できなかった。また、動物飼育の拠点変更のため、本年度は施設利用の手続きなどを行った。そのため、早発性進 行性難聴モデルの既存サンプルを用いて、聴覚神経に発現するたんぱく質レベルでの解析に留まり、1年の延長申請を行った。本年度の計画であった機能的解析は実施 できなかったが、ABR機器の整備や手技取得が完了した。 その他、FOSが短鎖脂肪酸の増加を介して感音性難聴に影響しているのかを検討するために(1)FOS摂取有無の群間で内耳の有毛細胞や聴覚神経に発現する短鎖脂肪酸に関連するたんぱく質を免疫染色した。 (2)FOS摂取有無の群間で内耳の聴覚神経生存率の違いを確認するため、脳幹試料を用いて短鎖脂肪酸に関連するマーカー(FFARsなど)を用いて定量的解析を行った。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 稲垣 彰; 鵜川 眞也; 山村 寿男; 関谷 真二
    カルシウム感知受容体(calcium sensing receptor, CaSR)の内耳における機能解析を目的とした研究であり、そのため、引き続き、遺伝子の機能解析にとって強力な手法であるノックアウトマウスの作成を試みている。CaSRのノックアウトによりカルシウムの代謝異常のため、体制致死になるという既報告に基づき、機能解析には副甲状腺ホルモンも同時にノックアウトするダブルノックアウトマウスを、Crisper技術を用いて作成を試みている。しかし、ダブルノックアウトマウスの作成には困難があり、現在もまだ、解析に利用可能なマウスは得られていない。 このような経過から、同時に以前我々のグループが発表した薬理学的な方法による機能低下についても検討を行っている。以前の報告では、ラット内耳にCaSRの拮抗薬を注入することで聴力への影響が観察された(Minakata T, Inagaki A et al., Front Mol Neurosci. 2019)。これは内リンパ液で低く抑えられるカルシウムイオンの濃度調節が聴力において強い影響を持つこと示すデータであるが、次の段階を見据え、本知見のさらなる臨床応用を目指して、鼓室内にCaSRの拮抗薬と同様にベンゼン環を有するステロイド剤(プレドニゾロン)投与し組織移行性を検討する臨床試験法に基づく臨床研究を立案し、実施した。タンデムマススペック法を用いた移行濃度の測定の予備実験では組織移行性について良好な結果を示唆する結果が得られ、現在結果の詳細な解析、統計処理などを行っている。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 柴田 泰宏; 鵜川 眞也; 窪田 泰江; 太田 裕也
    過活動膀胱や神経因性膀胱における頻尿を抑制するための薬剤には抗コリン薬およびβ3受容体作動薬などが使用されている。しかし、いずれの薬剤も排尿筋上の受容体をターゲットとしており、膀胱の伸展刺激を受容して尿意の起点となるであろう膀胱の感覚神経をターゲットとした薬剤は未だに無い。これは尿意を受容する本態として想定されている機械刺激受容について不明な点が多いためである。これらを明らかにするため、私たちは線虫の機械刺激受容体の哺乳類ホモログであるASICファミリーに注目し、ASICファミリーのノックアウトマウスおよびノックインマウスを用いてその膀胱における分布と機能の詳細を検討することを計画した。私たちは、ASIC4が排尿機能に与える影響を観察するため、ASIC4ノックアウトマウスを用いたvoid spot assayによる排尿行動解析を行った。生理的条件下において、8週齢から12週齢の野生型マウスおよびASIC4ノックアウトマウスの比較を行ったところ、ノックアウトマウスではプライマリースポット面積が小さくなる傾向があること、またスポット数が増大する傾向にあることから、野生型マウスと比較してASIC4ノックアウトマウスの最大膀胱容量は小さく、また頻尿を呈していることが示唆された。また、当研究室でまだ得られていないASIC2ノックインマウスおよびAISC2ノックアウトマウスをCRISPR/Cas9システムを用いて作出するための準備として、off-targetの少ないgRNAのベクターを設計するとともに、ノックインマウス作出のための遺伝子供与ベクターの設計を行った。相同アーム長は1kbp、ノックインに用いるTag配列はVSV-G配列を用いることとした。現在、本学の実験動物研究教育センターと協力し、次年度に繰り越した予算にて動物の作出を計画している。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2021/03 
    Author : Ugawa Shinya
    ASICs (acid-sensing ion channels) are putative mechano-gated cation channels in mammals. In the present study, we discovered that at least ASIC1a, ASIC1b, and ASIC4 are expressed in mouse auditory and vestibular hair cells. In particular, transmission electron microscopy revealed that ASIC1b proteins were located at the stereociliary tips, suggesting that all the three ASIC subtypes are somehow involved in the generation of mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) currents. ABR (auditory brainstem response) tests demonstrated the slight-to-moderate degree of deafness in ASIC1b or ASIC4 knockout mice. Further investigations are needed to assess the physiological roles of ASICs in mouse inner ear MET.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Kamiya Takeshi
    Although acid-sensing ion channel 4 (ASIC4) is a novel mechanical ion channel, the expression and the function in the gastrontestinal (GI) tract is unknown. The aoms of this study was to investigate and the function of ASIC4 in the mouse GI tract. RT-PCR analysis showed that ASIC4 transcripts were obtained from the jejunum to distal colon in adult mice. X-gal staining revealed that ASIC4 was expressed in the myenteric plexus. β-galactosidase activity was foumd in both Ach+ and NOS+ neurons. ASIC4 knock out (KO) mice showed delayed intestinal transit time compared with wild type mice by phenol red method. The ileum of ASIC4-KO mice revealed week response to Ach and high dose nicotine by Magnus assay. These results suggested that ASIC4 may play an important role in GI motor function.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Shibata Yasuhiro
    There are many patients suffering from overactive bladder, and the overall picture of the mechanism of acceptance of urination is largely unknown. We have focused on the acid-sensitive ion channel family, which is a mechanostimulatory receptor candidate gene. Among them, the ASIC4 gene is expressed in the bladder smooth muscle layer, and the ASIC4 mediated influx current is calibrated by an osmotic pressure change, which is a kind of mechanical stimulation in the expression system using Xenopus oocytes. I found a thing. From this, it was speculated that ASIC4 plays a some sort of role in mechanical stimulation reception in the bladder.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Kumamoto Natsuko
    ASIC1a (acid-sensing ion channel-1a) is an ion channel activated by extracellular protons. Immunohistochemical analysis of TagRFP-V5-ASIC1a knock-in mice, in which TagRFP-V5 tagged ASIC1a is expressed under the control of the endogenous ASIC1a gene promoter, showed that ASIC1a is expressed in new-born neurons from early stage of adult hippocampal neurogenesis onwards. In addition, ASIC1a knockdown induced defects in dendritic refinement and spine formation. Similar results were found following intracerebroventricular injection of ASIC1a antagonist. The data indicate that ASIC1a could regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis under normal condition.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/06 -2019/03 
    Author : Ugawa Shinya
    We identified a putative mechanosensory channel ASIC-X in mouse auditory hair cells, and explored its channel properties using a combination of electrophysiology and ratio-imaging techniques with fura-2 and SBFI. Although the leakage currents of heterologously expressed ASIC-X were augmented by strong shear stress, neither hypotonicity nor direct stretching of plasma membrane enhanced the currents. Mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) currents in outer hair cells (OHCs) of ASIC-X knockout mice did not significantly change in the amplitude, compared to MET currents in wild-type OHCs, which is in good agreement with the in vitro data. However, our investigations revealed that the ASIC-X channel was selective to sodium ions. Therefore, ASIC-X is most likely to function as a sodium leak channel in vivo rather than as a mechanosensitive molecule. The tissue distribution of the channel should be clarified in detail next.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : UEDA Takashi; TSUSHIMA Hiromi
    Acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) was primarily detected in P2X2/P2X3-immunopositive nerve fibers within mouse taste buds, but not in mouse taste receptor cells. In primary culture of neurons isolated from geniculate ganglia, proton differentially modulated ATP-induced intracellular calcium mobilization. In a heterologous expression system using recombinant P2X2, P2X3 and ASIC1a, acidic buffer (pH6.5) enhanced P2X2/P2X3-mediated calcium response, while it reduced P2X3-mediated cellular response. ASIC1a further modulated proton-induced modification of P2X2/P2X3-mediated response. Finally, ASIC1a-knockout mice show reduced behavioral response to sour tastants (citric and hydrochloric acids). Proton could thus be a neuromodulator for sour taste perception and ASIC1a in the P2X2/P2X3-positive gustatory neurons may be involved in this signaling pathway.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Inagaki Akira
    Calcium signaling plays important roles especially in excitable cells, such as myocytes and neuronal cells. The signal in the inner ear has been reported and its roles are partially elucidated, but there are number of issues that remain to be elucidated. Here we investigated inner ear calcium signaling by a comprehensive approach, aiming at manipulating it pharmacologically to have beneficial biological effects. We identified calcium sensing receptor as a novel drug target in the inner ear and identified is cellular distribution in the cochlea for the first time. Also, a new technique developed in this study revealed it is susceptible for pharmacologically inhibition. Pharmacological inhibition induced moderate hearing loss; demonstrating its essential role for hearing. This result shows a part of inner ear mechanism maintaining the unique ionic composition in the inner ear, especially that of calcium ion, which has not well evaluated to date.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/10 -2018/03 
    Author : TSUKAMOTO Yoshinori; UKAWA Shinya
    Hypertension has the largest number of patient in life style related disease and its cause originates from the excess of salt intake. Therefore, the reduction of salt intake is important for the prevention of hypertension. However, only reducrion of salt causes the problem of dreary taste. We tried the technological development which can enhance saltiness and acquire delicious satiness even the reduction of salt as a method able to dissolve this problem. Namely,we injected human gene of receptor for saltiness into Xenopus oocytes and expressed the corresponding protein and used this as a sensor for the screening of substances enhancing saltiness from agricultural stuffs, fermenting foods, food components. As a result, we succeeded in finding one substance enhancing saltiness from a kind of agricultural stuff.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : TSUJITA MAKI
    The TICE is alternative pathway for reverse cholesterol transport. Acceleration of TICE pathway may become one of the new strategies without causing cholesterol polypus leading cholecystolithiasis, or gallbladder inflammation. We aim to evaluate SR-BI function on TICE which SR-BI receptor also localized at basolateral membrane in intestinal absorptive cell. In the project, SR-BI flox and CAG-Cre mice were obtained. The SR-BI fx/fx-CAG+ mice was created. The plasma analysis indicated accumulation of large HDL. This result proved the quality of the SR-BI flox mice and current propagation system. Vil-Cre mice and Alb-Cre mice have arrived from the collaborator to create intestinal- and liver-specific SR-BI KO mic for the future study. WT mice plasma was harvested and the isolated mouse LDL, HDL, and mouse apoA-I were shipped to the company and the rat monoclonal antibodies were successfully ready. They will be also useful tool for mouse lipoprotein analyses for up-coming experiments.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Kondo Takako; Ugawa Shinya; Hashino Eri
    The Immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) adhesion molecules, down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) and Sidekick (SDK) proteins, have recently emerged as novel axon-guidance proteins that play pivotal roles in neurite biosynthesis, axon growth and formation of neural networks during embryonic development. This study, we examined expression patterns of the IgSF genes and proteins in the mouse inner ear during embryonic development. DSCAM and SDK were found to be expressed in SGNs and sensory hair cells at embryonic day 18. DSCAM protein is co-localized in the inner ear with hair cell marker Myosin Vlla. Immunoprecipitation assays also revealed that DSCAM interacts with Myosin VIIa and Netin1 in the organ of Corti, though the nature of these interactions are not well understood at this time, however it might be involved in the axon guidance of SGNs to the target hair cells as a receptor for Netrin1.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : SHIBATA Yasuhiro; SASAKI Shoichi; UGAWA Shinya
    Although benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is common disease, the cause of BPH is still unclear. To investigate the mechanism of BPH development, we use the novel BPH model which was made by implanting the urogenital sinus of neonatal rats to sub-capsule of the prostate of adult male rats. Using this model we discovered the grail-cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) expresses in interstitial cell. And we demonstrate that GDNF increase the growth rate of human prostate interstitial cell-line, and RET signal cascade was related with prostate volume positively in human BPH tissue.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2017/03 
    Author : KAMIYA Takeshi; UEDA Takashi
    Although acid-sensing ion channel 5 (ASIC5) is a novel bile acid-sensitive ion channel, which is expressed in the bile duct epithelial cells, the expression in the esophagus in unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of ASIC5 in the mouse esophagus. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis found that the short fragments of ASIC5 transcripts were abundantly detected in the middle and lower regions. Full length PCR cloning analysis identified a novel splicing variant from the mouse esophagus along with the registered ASIC5 transcripts. We also examine the expression of acid-sensitive G protein-coupled receptor TGR5 known as another candidate in a human normal esophageal epithelial cell line HET-1A, but apparent expression was not detected. ASIC5 may participate in physiological and pathophysiological functions of the esophagus, although the expression of ASIC5 protein was not confirmed because of lack of antibodies specific to ASIC5.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : UEDA Takashi; UGAWA Shinya; SHIMADA Shoichi
    In mouse pituitary gland, the anterior (AL) and intermediate lobes (IL) expressed acid-sensing ion channel 1(ASIC1) and ASIC4, whereas the posterior lobe (PL) expressed transient receptor potential vanilloid type 2 (TRPV2) channel. TRPV2, not TRPV4, was expressed in a unique subpopulation of glia-like pituicytes in the PL. Proton activated ASIC4 as well as ASIC1 in Xenopus oocytes. A TRPV2 agonist probenecid elevated the intracellular calcium concentration in a subset of the isolated pituitary gland cells (approximately 12 % of total cells) and evoked ATP release in these cells. Since ATP is known to be a paracrine modulator of vasopressin release in the PL, TRPV2 may be involved in the regulation of the endocrine system.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : TSUKAMOTO Yoshinori; UKAWA Shinya
    ASICs(acid-sensing ion channel:1a,1b,2a,2b,3),PKD1L3 and PKD2L1 genes, which are candidates of sour taste receptor, were expressed individually or simultaneously in oocyte of Xenopus laevis. Resulting oocytes expressed ASIC1a or/and 1b genes were used for electrophysiological assay as sensor in order to screen sunstances able to decline or increase sour taste. As the result, effectiveness of decline on sour taste were observed in dialyzed fraction of natto A , wheet miso, rice miso, isoflavone and emulsion layer of culture broth of hydrocarbon-utilizing bacterium using membrane with pour size of molecular weight of 3,500. In contrast, effectiveness of increase on sour taste was observed in dialyzed fraction of natto B using same membrane.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2015/03 
    Author : TSUJITA Maki; YOKOYAMA Shinji; UGAWA Shinya
    Transintestiinal cholesterol efflux (TICE) is the alternative cholesterol secretion pathway which has been focus for some years. To evaluate the fate of HDL-cholesterol in mice plasma, we injected 3H-labeled cholesterylether in HDL. SR-BI is known for HDL-cholesterylester receptor. In SR-BI null mice, the uptake of chosteryleter from injected HDL was significantly reduced liver and adrenalas well as in small intestine. Next, wild type mouse was perfused with PBS followed by the fixation solution (4%PFA/0.1M PB).SR-BI was detected by primary antibody and streptavidin bound Alexa Fluor594. The Nicon A1RS1 confocal microscope system was used for detection. SR-BI was stained at basolateral surface of some small intestinal absorptive epithelial cells. As control, intestinal cholesterol receptor, NPC1L1 was localized only in the apical surface in this experimental condition. This result suggests plasma HDL-cholesterol may uptake into small intestinal cells through SR-BI in mice.
  • 聴覚受容体遺伝子の機能解析および難聴モデルマウスの作製
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2015/03 
    Author : 鵜川眞也
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    Author : SHIBATA Yasuhiro; SASAKI Shoichi; UGAWA Shinya; HAMAKAWA Takashi; KOJIMA Yoshiyuki; KOHRI Kenjiro
    In order to reveal the mechanism of urinary urgency evoked by cold sensation, we investigated the convergence of the primary sensory afferents of the skin and bladder. Dichotomizing afferents of L6-S1 dorsal root ganglion neurons that innervate the skin and bladder was constantly observed with retrograde neuron tracers in rats. In-situ hybridization revealed that approximately 8.0% of the double-labelled cells expressed transient receptor potential channel melastatin member 8 (TRPM8) transcripts in the dorsal root ganglions. Cold and menthol stimuli to the skin generated bladder nerve responses conducted through dichotomizing axons, which significantly decreased in the presence of the TRPM8 blocker BCTC. In conclusion, TRPM8-expressing sensory neurons with dichotomizing axons projecting to the skin and bladder may be responsible for the urinary urgency evoked by cold sensation.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2011 
    Author : SHIMADA Shoichi; YAGITA Kazuhiro; ISHIDA Yusuke; UGAWA Shinya
    Members of acid sensing ion channel(ASIC) gene family are widely expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system and sensory organs including inner ear. A substitution of glycine 430 of ASIC2a by phenylalanine produced gain-of-function channel. Transfection of the mutant channel induced cell death. Transgenic rats expressing G430F-ASIC2a resulted in balance and gait disturbances.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : UEDA Takashi; SHIMADA Shoichi; UGAWA Shinya; ISHIDA Yusuke; SHIMADA Shoichi; ISHIDA Yusuke
    Mouse nasal epithelial cells partially exhibited CO_2-induced intracellular calcium mobilization. These cells did not respond to the ligands that activate proton-sensitive cation channels, such as transient receptor potential vanilloid 1(TRPV1), acid-sensing ion channel(ASIC) 1a, ASIC1b, ASIC2a, ASIC2b and ASIC3.Since the nasal epithelial cells responded to NaHCO_3 solution rather than acidic pH solution, a mechanism for detection of HCO_3-may be involved in nasal CO_2 perception.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2009 
    Author : SHIMADA Shoichji; MURAKAMI Shingo; UGAWA Shinya; ISHIDA Yusuke
    We examined whether amiloride-sensitive proton-gated cation channels ASICs (acid-sensing ion channels) are expressed in the stereocilia of mouse cochlear hair cells. In situ hybridization studies revealed that ASIC1b was expressed in the inner and outer hair cells. Fluorescent immunohistochemistry and immunogold electron microscopic studies demonstrated that ASIC1b was located at the insertions of stereocilia into the hair cells. Our findings provide a novel molecular key to the understanding of cochkear physiology and pathophysiology.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : 石田 雄介; 鵜川 眞也; 植田 高史; 島田 昌一; 田中 克幸; 梶田 健二
    本研究の目的は、味覚経路に発現する温度感受性TRPが中枢ではなくすでに末梢のレベルで味覚に影響を及ぼすことを証明し、更にその影響を解析することである。この研究は昨年度から引き続き行われており、以下に本年度の成果とその重要性について説明する。(1)トレーサーFast Bluev (FB)による舌を支配する鼓索神経の標識:当初トレーサーにはDiOを考えていたが、実際に使用して比較してみるとFBによる標識のほうがコントラストもよく調子が良かった。マウス舌前方(鼓索神経領域)にFBを局注し、舌に分布する神経線維を順行性にトレースすることで舌を支配する膝神経節の神経細胞体を同定できた。(2)マウス膝神経節における温度感受性TRP (TRPV1)の発現:昨年度の研究から、マウス膝神経節において温度感受性TRP蛋白のひとつTRPV1が発現していることが示唆されていた。トレーサーFBを用いて舌を支配する膝神経節の細胞体を同定した上で、TRPV1の免疫染色を行ったところこれらのシグナルは一部重なっていた。以上の結果から味覚伝達経路にはTRPV1が発現していることが示唆された。(3)さまざまな温度の味溶液で舌を刺激した場合に誘発される鼓索神経応答の電気生理学的検討:舌を刺激する五つの味溶液(甘味・酸味・苦味・うま味・塩味)を用意し、さらにそれらの温度を低いものから高いものまで設定して、鼓索神経whole nerve recordingを行った。その結果、一般的に42℃(高温)、100℃(低温)では舌の表面温度である25QCよりも活性が抑制された。しかし塩味の場合は10℃では同様に25℃よりも活性が抑制されたが、TRPV1が活性化する42℃の高温条件ではむしろ鼓索神経の応答は増強された。このことから高温下ではTRPV1が活性化して(後、何らかのメカニズムを経て)塩味による味覚神経の応答を増強することが示唆された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 島田 昌一; 城 卓志; 鵜川 眞也; 石田 雄介
    本研究では消化管において、それぞれの酸感受性イオンチャネルがどの様な部位に局在し、pHのセンシングに関与しているかについて検討した。消化管では摂食時や空腹時に管腔内の食物量に応じて胃酸の分泌、粘液の分泌等が適切に調節され、食物の消化を促進すると同時に消化管自身が酸によって障害されないように制御されている。このような消化管内の酸の適切なバランスを制御するためには、酸のセンサーが重要な役割を果たしていると考えられる。我々は消化管の酸のセンシングに関与している分子の一つとして、食道粘膜上皮細胞では上皮性ナトリウムチャネルのδサブユニットが存在していることを見いだした。また粘膜固有層に分布する酸感受性の神経終末としてはacid sensing ion channels(ASICs)やtransient receptor potential channel-vanilloid subfamily member 1(TRPV1)を発現する神経を認めた。これらの酸のセンサーを発現する神経終末は、迷走神経と脊髄神経に由来するものであった。さらに我々は、6-amidino-2-naphthyl p-guanidinobenzoate dimethanesulfonateがASICsの選択的阻害薬として作用することをアフリカツメガエル卵母細胞発現系を用いて証明した。この薬剤は、酸感受性イオンチャネルが消化管での酸のセンシングにどの様に関与しているのかを薬理実験や生理実験を通して解析するための有力なツールとなる可能性がある。また、この薬剤の研究は、酸による内臓痛に対する鎮痛薬の開発にもつながると考えられる。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : 島田 昌一; 鵜川 眞也
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2005 
    Author : HIRABAYASHI Yoshifumi; UEDA Takashi; SHIMADA Shoichi; FUJIMORI Osamu; UGAWA Shinya
    Bitter taste perception is a conserved chemical sense against the ingestion of poisonous substances in mammals. A multigene family of G-protein-coupled receptors, T2R (so-called TAS2R or TRB) receptors and a G-protein a subunit (Gα), gustducin, are believed to be key molecules for its perception, but little is known about the molecular basis for its interaction. We have used a heterologous expression system to determine a specific domain of gustducin necessary for T2R coupling. Two chimeric Gα16 proteins harboring 37 and 44 guatducin-specific sequences at their C termini (G16/gust37 and G16/gust44) responded to different T2R receptors with known ligands, but G16/gust23, G16/gust11 and G16/gust5 did not. The former two chimeras contained a predicted β6 sheet, an α5 helix, and an extreme C terminus of gustducin, and all the domains were indispensable to the expression of T2R activity. We also expressed G16 protein chimeras with the corresponding domain from other G_i proteins, cone-transducin (Gαt2), Gαi2, and Gαz (G16/t2, G16/i2, and G16/z). As a result, G16/t2 and G16/i2 produced specific responses of T2Rs, but G16/z did not. Because Gαt2 and Gαi2 are expressed in the taste receptor cells, these G-protein αi subunits may also be involved in bitter taste perception via T2R receptors. We have also found the tissue expressions and coding single -nucleotide polymorphisms (cSNPs) in human T2R genes (hT2R3, hT2R4, and hT2R5) on chromosome 7q31. We identified six cSNPs within the T2R receptor genes. The hT2R4 and hT2R5 contained four and on cSNPs that cause missense mutations, respectively, while hT2R3 included one silent nucleotide mutation. However, we could not find any nonsense mutations that resulted in a frame shift or a premature stop codon within the open reading flames.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2005 
    Author : SHIMADA Shoichi; MURAKAMI Shingo; UGAWA Shinya
    T2Rs comprise a G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily that contains functionally defined bitter taste receptors. We found coding single-nucleotide polymorphisms (cSNPs) in human T2R genes (hT2R3, hT2R4, and hT2R5) on chromosome 7q31. We identified six cSNPs within the T2R receptor genes. The hT2R4 and hT2R5 contained four and on cSNPs that cause missense mutations, respectively, while hT2R3 included one silent nucleotide mutation. However, we could not find any nonsense mutations that resulted in a frameshift or a premature stop codon within the open reading frames. T2R receptors and a G-protein α subunit (Gα), gustducin, are believed to be key molecules for its perception, but little is known about the molecular basis for its interaction. We use a heterologous expression system to determine a specific domain of gustducin necessary for T2R coupling. Two chimeric Gα16 proteins harboring 37 and 44 gustducin-specific sequences at their C termini (G16/gust37 and G16/gust44) responded to different T2R receptors with known ligands, but G16/gust23, G16/gust11, and G16/gust5 did not. The former two chimeras contained a predicted β6 sheet, an α5 helix, and an extreme C terminus of gustducin, and all the domains were indispensable to the expression of T2R activity. We also expressed G16 protein chimeras with the corresponding domain from other Gαi proteins, cone-transducin (Gαt2), Gαi2, and Gαz (G16/t2, G16/i2, and G16/z). As a result, G16/t2 and G16/i2 produced specific responses of T2Rs, but G16/z did not. Using Gα16-based chimeras and hT2R16 variants, we examined sensitivity to salicin. Identification of nucleotide diversity and amino acid polymorphisms in human T2R receptors could help clarify individual differences in the acceptability and sensitivity to bitter compounds.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : 植田 高史; 島田 昌一; 鵜川 眞也; 平林 義章
    我々は新規のCO_2受容体を同定するため、いくつかの実験を平行して行った。第1に「嗅覚系CO_2受容細胞の同定と解析システムの構築」では、carbonic anhydrase(CA)の遺伝子発現をラットの発育過程で確認した。次に剥離したラット嗅上皮に様々な濃度のCO_2を処理できるようなシステムを考案し、実験を重ねているが、残念ながら今現在までにポジティブな応答は観察できていない。第2にCA陽性の細胞の分布は、嗅覚受容体の分布と類似している点から嗅覚受容体の中にCO_2に応答する受容体があることが予想された。Gタンパク質に共役した嗅覚受容体の研究の最大の問題はその機能解析にあり、既に報告されている受容体ですら、ある研究室では再現してその応答を見ることが困難なことが報告されている。我々は、まずこのような既に報告されている嗅覚受容体mOR-EGを譲り受け、この機能の解析ができるように工夫した。その結果、マウスのGα15という様々な受容体に結合するGタンパク質αサブユニットを用いた嗅覚受容体の解析系を構築することに成功した。さらに鼻腔上皮にはTAS2Rと呼ばれる味覚受容体として単離された受容体も存在していることが報告された。TAS2Rは嗅覚受容体と同じロドプシン型Gタンパク質共役型受容体(GPCR)に所属し、さらにそのほとんどの機能が未だ明らかとなっていない、嗅覚受容体と良く似た遺伝子である。嗅覚受容体は1000近くあるのに対してTAS2Rは数十個しかない。我々はこの遺伝子を単離し、さらにはこの遺伝子の機能を解析するシステムを構築することに成功した。他の嗅覚受容体や味覚受容体の解析にも成功してるので、本研究の結果は今後この研究課題についての一助となる。
  • 新規痛覚受容体の単離と機能解析
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2004
  • 苦味・甘味センサーの開発と味覚(酸味・塩味・苦味・甘味)修飾物質のスクリーニング
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2002 
    Author : SHIMADA Shoichi; UEDA Takashi; HIRABAYASHI Yoshifumi; MURAKAMI Shingo; UGAWA Shinya
    Acid-sensing ion channel-2a (ASIC2a) is an amiloride-blockable proton-gated cation channel, probably contributing to sour-taste detection in rat taste cells. To isolate another subtype of the sour-taste receptor, we screened a rat circumvallate papilla cDNA library and identified ASIC2b, an N-terminal splice variant of ASIC2a, Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed the expression of ASIC2b transcripts in the circumballate papilla and, moreover, demonstrated its expression in the foliate and fungiform papillae. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that ASIC2b, as well as ASIC2a, was expressed in a subpopulation of taste cells in the circumvallate, foliate, and fungiform papillae, and some of the cells displayed both ASIC2a-and ASIC2b-immunoreactivities. Subsequent co-immunoprecipitation studies with circumvallate papillae extracts indicated that ASIC2b associated with ASIC2a to form assemblies, and, together with our immunohistochemical findings, strongly suggested that both ASIC2 subunits formed heteromeric channels in taste cells in the circumvallate, foliate, and fungiform papillae. Oocyte electrophysiology demonstrated that the ASIC2a/ASIC2b channel generated maximal in ward currents at pH 2.0, which is in good agreement with the in vivo pH-sensitivity of rat taste cells, and that the amiloride-sensitivity of the heteromer decreased with decreasing pH and was almost completely abolished at pH 2.0. These findings provide persuasive explanations for the amiloride-insensitivity of acid-induced responses of rat taste cells.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000 
    Author : 島田 昌一; 鵜川 眞也; 植田 高史
    本研究はMDEG1イオンチャネルの第二膜貫通部位に人工的な点変異を導入し、この陽イオンチャネルが開いたまま閉じない状態を作り出し、このgain of functionの特殊なチャネルをトランスジェニックマウスに発現させて、味覚障害や神経変性症のモデル動物を作成することが目的である。 MDEG1の430番目のグリシン残基をPCR法を用いて様々なアミノ酸に置換し、電気生理学的に解析した結果、フェニルアラニンに置換させたものが最も効果的にチャネルが開いたままの状態になることを明らかにした。さらにミュータントイオンチャネル(MDEG1-G430F)を発現させた細胞に、選択的な細胞死が起こることを確認した。このMDEG1-G430FのcDNAにopsinのプロモーター・エンハンサー領域をつなげて岡部らと共同研究でトランスジェニックマウスを作成した。現在そのトランスジェニックマウスがどの様な障害をきたしたか、形態学的、生理学的な解析を進めている。 また、堀本らと共同研究で、このMDEG1-G430Fミュータントに、がん特異的プロモーターを組み込んだものを、リポゾーム法を用いて、転移がんモデルマウスに投与し、がん細胞の選択的な細胞死を引き起こすモデルマウスを作成した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -2000 
    Author : SHIMADA Shoichi; UEDA Takashi; HIRABAYASHI Yoshifumi; FUJIMORI Osamu; UGAWA Shinya
    We have identifieda cDNA encoding a taste receptor for sourness (MDEG1) from a rat circumvallate papilla cDNA library by combined cDNA homology and functional expression approaches. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, MDEG1 showed characteristics of a proton-gated amiloride-sensitive cation channel. Interestingly, acidic stimulation by acetic acid, the chief ingredient of vinegar, generatedlarger inwardcurrents than that by hydrochloric acidat equal pH.In situ hybridization revealed that the mRNA of MDEG1 was exclusively localized in taste buds. MDEG1 immunoreactivity was found on the cell surface and in the apical portion of taste bud cells, especially in type III cells which are classifiedas gustatory receptor cells. This is the first taste receptor cDNA to be cloned. To isolate another subunit of the sour-taste receptor, we screened a rat circumvallate papilla cDNA library and iden tified MDEG2. Immunohistochemical and electrophysiological studies demonstrated that MDEG2 formed heterooligomeric channels with MDIEG1 at the apical portion of single taste-cells and modified the desensitization of MDEG1 channel. The desensitization rate of the heterooligomer was dramatically altered by a single amino acid substitution of Gly481 in MDEG2 without changing other channel properties. These findings suggest that MDEG2 regulates the sour-taste receptor desensitization contributing to sour-taste adaptation and that Gly481 in MDEG2 is the key amino acidresidue that controls the duration of sourtaste sensation.
  • 内耳有毛細胞に存在する新規機械電気変換イオンチャネルの単離と機能解析
  • 内耳有毛細胞に存在する機械電気変換イオンチャンネルの単離と機能解析
  • かゆみ受容体の同定

Social Contribution

  • 篤志解剖全国連合会43回総会出席
    Date (from-to) : 2013/03/27-2013/03/27
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 地域団体・NPO
    サンポートホール高松 第1小ホール 献体業務を行う地域団体が年に一度会合し、討議等を行うものに出席
  • 第2回5大学連絡協議会出席
    Date (from-to) : 2013/02/26-2013/02/26
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 地域団体・NPO
    名古屋商工会議所2階 名商グリル 不老会の主催で献体業務に関する話し合いを行った。
  • 第1回5大学連絡協議会出席
    Date (from-to) : 2012/07/17-2012/07/17
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 地域団体・NPO
    名古屋商工会議所2階 名商グリル 不老会の主催で献体業務に関する話し合いを行った。

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