Researchers Database


    Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Society and Collaboration(Gender, Welfare, and Sociology Course) Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/07/05

Researcher Information


  • Doctor of Social Sciences(Hitotsubashi University)

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • Sociology   Gender studies   Life history approach   Work   Family   Small and medium sized enterprises   social security and tax system   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Kyushu Sangyo UniversityFaculty of International Studies of Culture
  • Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University

Association Memberships

  • Society for the Study of Working Women   Japan Association for Social Policy Studies   The Japanese Association of Labor Sociology   The Japan Sociological Society   Tokai Sociological Society   

Books etc

Conference Activities & Talks

  • 小規模家族経営における家族労働:そのインフォーマル性の歴史的検討  [Invited]
    経済社会研究フォーラム  2023/07
  • Gendered Formalization through Social Security and Tax Inclusion: The Case of Women Family Workers in Japan  [Not invited]
    Saori Miyashita
    XX ISA World Congress of Sociology  2023/06
  • 「労働」から考える家族経営 ~自営業者の社会的役割~  [Not invited]
    名古屋市教育委員会・名古屋市立大学共催公開講演会  2023/05
  • 中小商工業者の組織化とその特徴――家族労働の無償性との関係から  [Not invited]
    日本社会学会第95回大会  2022/11
  • 小規模家族経営における女性の働き方と家族生活を振り返る  [Invited]
    日本家族社会学会第31回大会  2021/09
  • 小規模企業における事業主の妻の労働と金銭的報酬  [Invited]
    日本労働社会学会第30回大会  2018/10
  • 家族経営のジェンダー分析  [Not invited]
    日本労働社会学会2017年第一回研究例会  2017/03
  • 小企業の変容と経営者の妻の動員:高度成長期の小企業における事業と生活の分離に関わって  [Not invited]
    社会政策学会九州部会第98回研究会  2015/09
  • 事業を営む人々の生活・労働・ジェンダー関係――JGSSおよびSSM調査の二次分析から  [Not invited]
    日本社会学会第88回大会  2015/09
  • Women's work in the family business: economic and social considerations focusing on the Japanese textile industry  [Not invited]
    Saori Miyashita
    International Labour Process Conference 2014  2014/04
  • Case study on influence of economic and political factors on task assignment and compensation for family members running their textile business in Japan  [Not invited]
    Saori Miyashita
    BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013  2013/09
  • 戦後日本における女性の教育・就労・家族経験:東北・繊維産業地帯の事例 (2)雇用されずに働く女性の労働と報酬  [Not invited]
  • 近代家族規範と女性労働の再検討(2)機業経営と労務管理  [Not invited]
    宮下さおり; 勝俣達也
  • 自営業におけるジェンダー関係  [Not invited]
    社会政策学会九州部会第86回研究会  2008/02
  • 男性稼ぎ手規範の普及と日本のジェンダー分析  [Invited]
    社会政策学会第112回大会  2006/06
  • 戦後日本の労働者家族とマスキュリニティ―活版工の職業・生活史調査から  [Not invited]
    社会政策学会第104回大会  2002/05
  • ホワイトカラーの職務とジェンダー間分離の変容:印刷業の事例から  [Not invited]
    日本労働社会学会第12回大会  2000/11
  • 職場のジェンダー関係とその規定要因:印刷業における事例研究をもとに  [Not invited]


Awards & Honors

  • 2023/06 Japan Association for Social Policy Studies Encouragement Award
     Work and Life in Small Family Businesses: Reflections of Gendered and Patriarchal Post-war Japanese Society

Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 宮下 さおり
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03 
    Author : 宮下 さおり
    本研究課題は、中小企業政策が経営者とその家族をいかに組織し、中小企業経営に影響を与えたのかについて、ジェンダーの視角から歴史実証的な分析をふかめるものである。ジェンダー公正な中小企業経営は、グローバルな政策課題である。そのための基礎作業として、歴史を振り返り、その構造をさぐる研究がかかせない。本年度はこのために関連資料の読破と整理、各種中小企業団体の特徴の理解につとめた。 日本の中小企業政策は、中小企業団体の組織化の過程で、経営者本人のみならず家族の組織化もうながすこととなった。その具体的なありようを、各地の地域資料や商工団体資料等によって確認した。そこから明らかになったことは以下の点である。 一つ目に、当初想定していた法制化された地域経済団体(商工会議所、商工会)に関しては、婦人部の活動に関して、活動資金と諸準備に関して親会のそうとうな援助があり、他の婦人団体と異なる場合があったことである。このことの解釈や事例の位置づけにはさらなる資料発掘が必要であるが、組織の特徴を示す史料を発掘できた。二つ目の成果として、当初想定していた地域経済団体(商工会議所、商工会等)の役割という課題設定をこえる課題を確認できたことである。すなわち、中小企業税制は事業主家族内部の報酬配分にダイレクトな影響力を持ち、それに対して小規模企業経営者団体が独自の主張と運動を行ってきた具体的過程についての史料を入手できた。三つ目に、日本における女性家族従業者の組織の特徴を明確にするため、海外における中小企業者の動きに関して特にヨーロッパの資料の所在の把握につとめた。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Ishii Makoto; KIMOTO Kimiko; NAKAZAWA Takashi; NAGASU Masaki; UENO Keizo; MIYASHITA Saori; ITAMOTO Yoko
    This research project focuses on the plight of young people living in local areas.These areas are characterized as suffering from a deterioration of employment opportunities compared to urban areas. We reveal how young people of construct their life-course through the pathway of career and marriage.This is done by exploring mechanisms of self-help. As the results, it is inferred that hierarchization of economic situation between local and urban areas is going on. What becomes apparent is that youth income is decreasing as result of employment deterioration which leads to an increasing reliance upon parental support. Such a situation leads to an erosion of future career perspective and marriage hopes. We suggest that what is needed is a two-fold social policy that fosters a sense of stability for your people through the expansion of substantial opportunities in the public sector and support for self-employment and start-up businesses.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/04 -2014/03 
    Author : KIMOTO Kimiko; CHIBA Etsuko; MIYASHITA Saori; KATSUMATA Tatsuya; TAKAHASHI Jun; NAKAZAWA Takashi; HAGIWARA Kumiko; NOYORI Tomoko; HAYAKAWA Noriyo
    The purpose of this research project is to establish the viewpoint on re-constructing women's labor history after World War II in Japan. This is achieved through case studies in local regions. Our interest is on developing the methodology for articulating the relationship between women's labor and family structure, by introducing modern family theory and class theory. We specifically focused on women workers who engaged in the textile weaving industry in local regions, by adopting the fact-finding survey on their life histories. The primary research area is Katsuyama-shi in Fukui Prefecture where some large-scale companies of the weaving industry existed. We also took up the cases of Kawamata-machi in Fukushima Prefecture known as one of the center of small weaving businesses. Our research clarified that women's life course which continued working after marriage established, during the period of rapid economic growth, underpinned by specific regional and familial conditions.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : ISHII Makoto; ABE Makoto; NAKAZAWA Takashi; MIYAMOTO Michiko; KIMOTO Kimiko; NAGASU Masaaki; UENO Keizo; MIYASHITA Saori; ITAMOTO Yoko
    In the wake of our investigation into the occupation and marriage pathways of young workers' in local areas across Japan the following points became clear through our follow-up survey : First, temporary employment promotes late marriage or life as a singleton. Second, employment management in local enterprises seldom considers the career trajectory for young workers. They tend to leave their companies as "invisible strike" due to no-expectation for their upward career. Third, the social class background of young workers' parents continues to have a strong influence on their career or marriage pathways. Young workers, especially from the lower economic strata, experience difficulties in securing employment and, hence, their economic independence. This accentuates the danger of family economic collapse if their parents lose their jobs. If these issues are to be addressed then effective support mechanisms, so as to off-set the decline of local communities, are going to be required.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009 
    The purpose of this project is to re-construct women's labor history after World War II in Japan, in questioning the process of 'women's work' has formed in the different ways that 'men's work', that has been applied long-term employment and seniority-based wage system, has formed. For this, we selected women workers who engaged in textile weaving industry at the northern part of Fukushima Prefecture, Kawamata where women's labor is accumulated, as investigation object. We analyzed the life history of former women workers in textile weaving industry and tried to clarify how their paid work was articulated with their family life.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009 
    Author : MIYASHITA Saori
    Postwar Japanese society has retained a relatively large amount of urban small and medium-sized enterprises. Families operating these enterprises are considered as holding different gender relations and gender identities from those of modern family. The aim of this research is to explore their lived experiences during the post-war period through focusing on policy orientations toward them, collective movements by themselves and spoken or written materials by individuals. How they have achieved their own relations and identities is outlined.

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