Researchers Database

OYAMA Satoshi

    Graduate School of Date Science Professor
Last Updated :2024/06/11

Researcher Information


  • Master of Engineering(Kyoto University)
  • Ph.D. in Informatics(Kyoto University)

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence   Machine Learning   Human Computation   Quantum Machine Learning   

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Intelligent informatics
  • Informatics / Database science

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2023/04 - Today  Nagoya City UniversityProfessor
  • 2009/10 - 2023/03  Hokkaido UniversityAssociate Professor
  • 2015/01 - 2015/11  New York UniversityVisiting Research Professor
  • 2007/04 - 2009/09  Kyoto UniversityAssistant Professor
  • 2002/04 - 2007/03  Kyoto UniversityResearch Associate
  • 2003/05 - 2004/03  Stanford UniversityVisiting Assistant Professor
  • 2001/04 - 2002/03  Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellow


  • 1999/04 - 2002/03  Kyoto University  Graduate School of Informatics  Department of Social Informatics
  • 1994/04 - 1996/03  Kyoto University  Graduate School of Engineering  Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics
  • 1990/04 - 1994/03  Kyoto University  Faculty of Engineering  Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics

Association Memberships

  • Information Processing Socitety of Japan (IPSJ)   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)   The Database Society of Japan (DBSJ)   The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)   The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)   The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)   The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)   

Published Papers

Books etc

Conference Activities & Talks

  • 小山 聡; 馬場 雪乃; 櫻井 祐子
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集  2013  人工知能学会
  • 小山 聡; 白砂 健一; 田中 克己
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集  2008  人工知能学会
  • 小山 聡; 田中 克己
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集  2007  人工知能学会
  • OYAMA Satoshi; TANAKA Katsumi
    IEICE technical report  2006/05  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    A method is described for learning a distance metric for use in object identification that does not require human supervision. It is based on two assumptions. One is that pairs of different names refer to different objects. The other is that names are arbitrary. These two assumptions justify using pairs of data items for objects with different names as "cannot-be-linked" example pairs for learning a distance metric for use in clustering ambiguous names. The metric learning is formulated using only dissimilar example pairs as a convex quadratic programming problem that can be solved much faster than a semi-definite programming problem, which generally must be solved to learn a distance metric matrix. Experiments on author identification using a bibliographic database showed that the learned metric improves identification precision and recall.
  • 文章構造を利用したWebからの話題発見  [Not invited]
    電子情報通信学会第14回データ工学ワークショップ (DEWS2003)  2003
  • OYAMA Satoshi; TANAKA Katsumi
    IEICE technical report. Data engineering  2002/07  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    When a user input multiple keywords to a search engine, he usually assume these keywords to have some different roles in describing the topic of interest. For example, the user may use some keyword as the subject and use other keywords for specifying the scope of the topic. By treating keywords defferently according to their roles in the query, there is a possibility of improving the search results. We conduct preliminary experiments by submitting two different types of queries to an existing search engine: queries that require the one keyword in the title and the other one in the body, and queries of just the conjunction of these two keywords. The results are encouraging because the results of these two types of queries have difference in their contents. Therefore, we generalize the setting of the experimnets and propose the new method of web search using the hierarchical structure of topics. We also present the applications of our method to query modification and search results organization.
  • 話題の階層構造を反映したWeb検索手法の提案  [Not invited]
    情報処理学会研究報告  2002
  • ドメイン指向Web検索のためのドメイン判別ブール式の抽出  [Not invited]
    第15回人工知能学会全国大会  2001
  • 情報ナビゲーションへの連想ルールの適用  [Not invited]
    電子情報通信学会「ソフトウェアエージェントとその応用」特集ワークショップ(SAA2000)  2000
  • コミュニティ情報流通プラットフォームの構築  [Not invited]
    第9回マルチエージェントと協調計算ワークショップ(MACC2000)  2000


Awards & Honors

  • 2021/11 情報処理学会北海道支部 学術研究賞
  • 2020/12 情報処理学会北海道支部 学術研究賞
  • 2016/03 The Database Society of Japan DBSJ Young Researcher’s Achievement and Contribution Award
  • 2015/08 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII) Best Paper Award 2015
  • 2015/02 特定非営利活動法人ソフトウェアテスト技術振興協会 善吾賞
  • 2011/03 The 10th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2011) Best Paper Award
  • 2010/10 情報処理学会北海道支部 技術研究賞
  • 2010/03 第2回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM 2010) 優秀論文賞
  • 2010/03 The Database Society of Japan DBSJ Kambayashi Young Researcher Award
  • 2006/06 The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence JSAI Best Paper Award

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 野田 五十樹; 小山 聡
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 小山 聡
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Oyama Satoshi; SONG Jing
    In this research, we investigated fundamental technologies to analyze open data using the ability of many people by crowdsourcing. In particular, we focused on the task of analyzing causality but not correlation and developed a framework for analyzing open data in an exploratory manner. Human knowledge was incorporated by crowdsourcing to discover candidate variables that can affect causality. The elemental technologies and the framework were evaluated using the open data of the World Bank and the Japanese government.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Oyama Satoshi; TAKASE Tomoumi; ATARASHI Kyohei; MORISE Hiroki; SEKIYA Ryota
    In this research, we advanced the concept of human computation, which affirmatively uses human's ability in information processing by computer, to utilize human's ability in the quality control of human computation itself. We developed quality control models using human's high cognitive ability such as confidence judgment and multicriteria evaluation as well as high speed and high accuracy calculation ability of computer. In various fields such as image recognition, recommendation systems and education, the effectiveness of the approach was verified by data from actual services and experimental evaluation using real workers.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Sakurai Yuko; OYAMA Satoshi
    Crowdsourcing is a platform to realize human computation which aims to find a solution for a complicated problem by combining computation and human knowledge. In crowdsourcing, mechanism design considering a diversity of workers is an important issue to obtain a desirable outcome, since a requester asks an unspecified number of workers to do a task. Therefore, in this research project, we have reconstructed the theory of mechanism design from a human centric point of view by considering human feasibility. More specifically, we mainly have studied (1) the issue of workers' communication, (2) the issue of estimating a worker's ability, and (3) the issue of organizing workers' teams. We have developed several mechanisms and algorithms by integrating the techniques from social phycology, machine learning, and muliti-agent systems.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Oyama Satoshi
    Estimating affects from text is a key technology for many applications such as text-to-speech synthesis and affective education. In this study, we specifically dealt with the problem of estimating affects of characters’ utterances in narrative text. We enabled accurate affect estimation from crowdsourced labels by considering dependency between affect labels, affective tendency of the story and characters, and contextual cues in the story. We also developed algorithms for enabling interoperability between different affect models.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2010 
    Author : OYAMA Satoshi
    Dealing with temporal variations of objects such as people and organizations is one of the important technical challenges to enable object-level search engines that treat an object as a retrieval unit. The contributions of this research include formalization of identifying time-varying objects as a cross temporal link prediction problem that infer the links among data in different time periods and development of a machine learning method that can enable accurate predictions.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2010 
    Author : TANAKA Katsumi; CHATVICHIENCHAI Somchai; TAJIMA Keishi; OYAMA Satoshi; NAKAMURA Satoshi; TEZUKA Taro; JATOWT Adam; OHSHIMA Hiroaki
    We developed methods for (1) extracting ontological knowledge from Web such as coordinate terms, (2) intent detection and automatic modification of Web queries, (3) Web information credibility analysis, (4) improving retrieval effectiveness by user interaction and mutual complementation of Web1.0 and 2.0 information.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : OYAMA Satoshi
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : 小山 聡
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : 田中 克己; 小山 聡; 田中 浩也
    本研究では,WebデータやWeb利用者のデータ検索行動に内在する意味構造を発見し,これに基づき,高度なWeb情報検索サービスを実現するための方式を開発することを目的としている.特に,Webに関する次のような意味構造の発見に焦点をあて,これらの意味構造に基づく新しいWeb情報検索サービスを実現するための基盤技術および方式開発を行った. (1)話題構造・詳細度構造に基づく補完型情報検索方式の開発 Webコンテンツに内在する話題構造等を自動抽出し、これを用いて対象となるWebコンテンツの内容を補完する補完情報検索方式の開発を行った。また、補完情報検索を行う際に必要となるオブジェクトの同定アルゴリズムの開発を行った。 (2)閲覧履歴や個人コンテンツからのユーザ選好情報の自動抽出に基づくWeb検索の個人化方式の開発 閲覧履歴からユーザの相対的な選好情報を抽出したり、個人コンテンツからユーザ独自の概念体系を抽出し、これに基づき、Web情報検索を個人適応化させる方式を開発した。 (3)Blog情報からの重要Blogger発見とユーザ体験・評価情報の抽出 Blogスレッドの構造・内容分析により影響力の高いBlogエントリを発見したり、街Blog情報からユーザの体験・評判情報の自動抽出を行う方式を開発した。 (4)Web周辺空間の視覚化とナビゲーション支援方式の研究 閲覧中のWebコンテンツに対する意味的な周辺情報を自動抽出しこれを視覚化することでユーザのナビゲーション支援を行う方式を開発した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2004 
    Author : TANAKA Katsumi; SUMIYA Kazutoshi; OYAMA Satoshi; TANAKA Hiroya
    The aim of the research is to realize advanced mobile content services by developing new software technologies for retrieving and presenting contents on mobile terminals. We have mainly researched and developed the following five technologies : (1)Research on autonomous content presentation : We have developed a passive-viewing method by automatically acquiring by mobile terminals and transforming operation manual information of appliance devices or Web retrieval results in general into CG animation content with synthesized speech. Also, in order to realize multi-modal retrieval of video data, we developed a querying method by sketching moving objects trace. (2)Research on cross-media meta-search engine : In order to retrieve heterogeneous media-type contents by simply giving a few keywords, we developed a meta-search engine based on the method called "query relaxation". The method relaxes a given query into two subqueries, and these subqueires are given to a text-based Web search engine and an image search engine, respectively. The intersection of these two search engines' retrieval results is returned as an answer The evaluation work shows that our method improves the recall ratio three times than conventional image search engine with loss of 20 % precision ratio. (3)Topic structure extraction from users' dialogue : We developed a Web retrieval system which retrieves related pages by the dialogue's topic structure extracted from users' dialogue such as chat and e-mails by mobile phones. As for Blog information, we developed a method to compute the "trust" degree of retrieved Web pages by analyzing their related Blog informatioa Also, we implemented a Blog listening system by which user can browse Web pages and listen to their related Blog information. (4)Dynamic composition of multimedia contents for mobile broadcasting : We designed and implemented a scripting language called MetaSMIL which aims to describe the way of composing several stream contents. The major characteristics of MetaSMIL are the expressive power of query embedding and integrity-constraint specification for composition. Also, in order to realize composition of Web pages and photo images captured by digital cameras or mobile phones, we developed a way to interconnect photo images and Web pages that are regarded as images. (5)Adding autonomous retrieval and presentation capabilities to Web : We developed a method to add autonomous retrieval and presentation capabilities to Web pages that are displayed on multiple screens, by which Web pages are autonomously presented and their related pages are retrieved by pasting a Web page to some screen devices.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2003 
    Author : 小山 聡
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : SUMIYA Kazutoshi; TANAKA Hiroya; OYAMA Satoshi; TANAKA Katsumi
    Rapid progress in broadband and digital television technologies has made it possible to quickly. provide vast amounts of information to both Internet users and television audiences. The fusion of Internet and digital television technologies is a problem that needs to be addressed. There are search engine technologies and directory services that enable us to easily obtain information from Web content. Digital television technologies, on the other hand, have enabled a dramatic increase in the storage capacity of digital VCR and DVD players. However, there are no effective technologies for television audiences to search for their favorite programs and other recorded information from their potentially large archives. We have proposed a method of automatically constructing Web content from video streams with metadata. The Web content includes thumbnails of video units and caption data generated from metadata. Users can watch TV on a normal Web browser. They can also manipulate Web content with zooming metaphors to seamlessly alter the level of detail of the content being viewed. They can search for favorite scenes faster than with analog video equipment, and experience a new cross-media environment. We also developed a prototype of the system. We also have proposed an XML-based language to compose synchronized content from web and video content. The notable features of this language are as follows: (1) dynamic unit identification of content that is composed into synchronized content and (2) dynamic retrieval of content through predefined retrieval criteria. This dynamic identification and retrieval of composable units are based on the author's intentions. Content authors can specify the units of their content that are to be integrated into new content by describing the conditions concerning this content and the conditions. concerning the surrounding content. Although the proposed language looks like SMIL, it differs in its dynamic identification and retrieval capabilities. Indeed, the proposed language works just like the meta-mechanism for conventional SMIL. That is the script written by the proposed language can generate SMIL data as its output. Furthermore, we discussed on mete data extraction method from video stream and Web pages, and integration of metadata to search engines.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2002 
    Author : 田中 克己; 小山 聡; 角谷 和俊
    本研究は,WebデータやWeb利用者のデータ検索行動に内在する意味構造を発見し,これに基づいて,高度なWeb情報検索サービスを実現するための方式を開発することを目的としている.本研究で注目をしているWebの意味構造は,(1)WebデータやWeb利用者の探索行為に関わる「文脈情報」,(2)Webデータ間の「差異情報」,(3)Webデータに内在する「話題構造」,(4)Webデータの「ローカル度」(地域関連度やアクセスの地域限定度)などであり,これらの意味構造の発見・推定の方法を研究している.さらに,得られた意味構造情報を用いて,さまざまなコンテンツ検索サービスへの応用方式についても研究を行っている. 具体的な研究成果は以下の通りである.(1)Webからの画像検索において、画像の文脈情報(画像の周囲の情報やそのWebページを指すリンク元ページ情報など)を視覚化して表示することで検索支援を行う方式や,文脈情報から画像を検索する方式を提案した.さらに,利用者の選択・非選択ページを記録し,この情報をメタデータとして反映させた新しいブックマーキング方式を開発した.(2)クラスタリングされた検索画像群に対する利用者の選択画像・非選択画像の間の差異情報を増幅させた新しい適合フィードバック方式や,複数のWebデータの差異を同時に見ることができる新しいブラウザなどの開発を行った.(3)利用者が入力した質問キーワード群からそのキーワードが表題・本文のいずれに適合しているかを判定し自動的に質問変換を行うことで,話題構造によるWeb検索を行える検索方式を開発した.さらに,TV番組の字幕データから話題構造を推定しWebによる情報補完が行える新しいブラウザも開発した.(4)Webページ中に出現する地理用語の頻度・密度・緯度経度情報からWebページの地域関連度を求める方式と,他のWebページ群との比較に基づくアクセスの地域限定度の推定を行う方式を開発し,これに基づいてローカル度によるWeb情報フィルタリングを行うシステムを開発した.

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