Researchers Database


    Graduate School of Date Science Professor
Last Updated :2024/08/28

Researcher Information


Research funding number

  • 50174868

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 動作解析   生体信号処理   人間工学   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Biomedical engineering

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 1984-1994 Toyota1994-1996 Nagoya


  • 1982/04 - 1984/03  Nagoya Institute of Technology  Graduate School of Engineering  Electrical & Computer Engineering
  •        - 1982  Nagoya Institute of Technology  Faculty of Engineering  情報工学科

Association Memberships

  • IEEE   電気学会   芸術工学会   日本ME学会   日本人間工学会   情報処理学会   電子情報通信学会   

Published Papers


Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 梅谷 智弘; 才脇 直樹; 横山 清子; 田村 祐一
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 林 香月; 横山 清子; 榎原 毅; 堀 寧; 影山 友章
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 横山 清子; 鈴木 賢一; 内田 恵; 梅谷 智弘; 塙 大; 渡邊 裕司; 明智 龍男; 奥山 徹
    本研究では、プライバシー保護の観点から監視カメラが利用できない療養環境において、ベッドや患者の着衣などに装着するセンサー、身体に装着するウェアラブルセンサーからの出力データを用い、事故の予防やせん妄発症の予兆検知を機械学習により行うことを目的とする。 ベッド面の面圧分布センサー上での10数名の実験参加者を対象として、寝返り、起き上がり動作の測定実験を実施した。動作前後の重心位置の左右および上下方向の差、動作中の左右および上下の速度ベクトル、および加速度ベクトルを入力とし、ビデオから判別した寝返り、起き上がり動作をラベルとした機械学習によりこれらの動作を識別できる可能性を得ている。 夜間覚醒やせん妄発症に伴う自律神経活動バランスの変化や乱れを検出するためには、心電図拍動間隔時系列の周波数情報が必要となる。一方でスマートウォッチやベッド面装着センサーから得られる心拍情報は、心電図拍動間隔時系列と比較して時間分解能が低いため、センサーから得られる心拍情報の周波数解析は自律神経活動バランス評価に適さない。スマートウォッチで測定される心拍情報と心電図の同期測定を行い、心電図R-R間隔から算出される自律神経活動バランス指標をスマートウォッチの心拍情報から算出される時間領域指標を用い、機械学習による回帰モデルを作成した。これによりスマートウォッチやベッド面装着型バイタルセンサーを活用した高精度の自律神経活動バランス評価により、夜間覚醒や自律神経活動バランスの乱れの早急な検知への応用が可能となる。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2021/03 
    Author : Takada Hiroki
    Upright posture is stable with eyes open, in fact, the sway value is so small that the instability has been able to be evaluated while viewing video clips. As side notes, the investigator principal has developed a stochastic process theory to construct stochastic differential equations (SDEs) as mathematical models for stationary non-Gaussian time series. The theory has been recently improved to enable comparison of variations among independent components. We have also succeeded in enhancing the accuracy of the evaluation for effects of the exposure to video clips on the equilibrium system. In addition to the standard deviation, kurtosis, and skewness of the probability density distribution of the observed data, the translation error in the nonlinear analysis was herein used as an evaluation index for the numerical analysis of SDEs. As a result, we constructed a new theoretical system to obtain the SDEs describing the equilibrium system from the measurement data of each subject.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Umetani Tomohiro
    This study focuses on construction of an intelligent environment for supporting the operation task using simplified ambient measurement systems. During the research period, we have conducted the following themes to verified the effectiveness of the study: (1) supporting methods for presenting senses in an intelligent environment that uses simplified ambient measurement systems, (2) control methods of the intelligent environment using the internal and external of the subject, (3) construction of the supporting systems.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Takada Hiroki
    Visually-induced motion sickness might be caused by intermittent disagreements between the lens accommodation and vergence. In this study, subjects viewed video clips composed of two-dimensional/three-dimensional images in which a sphere was made to ambulate complexly. The subjects viewed clips where the peripheral images (PIs) were removed and clips with/without perspective clues (PCs) in addition to the originals. Our studies confirmed that the influence of visual recognition of stereoscopic images without PIs and PCs was considerably lesser compared to the originals that caused unpleasant symptoms in previous studies. The subjects’viewpoints were moved around wherever they wished, so that they viewed the objects sequentially from different viewing distances. Interactions occurred each time between the bio-system to control the lens accommodation and vergence in human. These systems cannot be described by stationary processes, and the body should be loaded by a nonequilibrium state.
  • 「触って体験型」博物館展示計画のための3Dディジタル造形技術の開発
    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : 横山 清子
  • 人の生体情報との対話機能を有する車室内空間デザインに関する研究
    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/04 -2013/03 
    Author : 横山 清子
  • グリップのユニバーサルデザイン化のための表面形状の最適設計
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2013 
    Author : 横山 清子
  • 運転者の心拍・呼吸を用いた自動車運転時覚醒度維持・向上システムの開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2009 
    Author : 横山 清子
  • ストレス低減のための映像と音楽を用いた生体情報提示システムの設計
    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004/04 -2006/03 
    Author : 横山 清子
  • 生体信号から音楽へのインタラクティブ変換システムの設計と応用に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2001 
    Author : 山本 眞輔; 横山 清子; 吉村 ミツ
    1.収集対象データを主として日本舞踊にして、複数の演技者の間での個人性、熟達度、流派の違いなどを明らかにするため同じ曲目の部分を同じ流派の複数の名取り、異なる流派の名取り達に演技して貰った。また、データ圧縮法の検討のために一部テンポの異なる曲と踊りも対象にした 2.日本舞踊の舞踊家など延べ人数8人に赤外線マーカをつけて動作解析装置の舞台で演技をして貰った。その動きを解析可能な形にするための編集作業は、動作解析装置利用上最も時間のかかる部分であるが、可能な限り編集した。 3.編集済みの動きデータから開発したアルゴリズムを用いて注目動作部分を抽出し、舞踊動作特性「振り」、「構え」、「立ち位置」等を検討した。又、踊り動作のデータ圧縮法を新たに開発検討した。 4.研究結果をまとめて外部発表した。「Quantification of Characteristic Feature of Japanese Dance for individuality Recognition」をフランス開催のIEEEのRobot-Human Interactive Communicationに関するWorkshopで、「日本舞踊の「振り」部分抽出とその特性の定量化の試み」を電子情報通信学会論文誌に、「周波数解析による踊り動作のデータ圧縮方法の検討」を情報処理学会研究会人文科学とコンピュータのシンポジウムで、「モーションキャプチャによる日本舞踊動作の解析」を立命館のモーションキャプチャーと舞踊研究シンポジウムでそれぞれ発表した。 5.集めたデータの編集作業はまだ残っている。新たな舞踊の特性の定量化、呼吸とのかねあいでわかる「間」の研究、伝統芸能の具体的な保存法なども今後の課題である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2001 
    Author : YOSHIMURA Mitsu; MORI Junko; YOSHIMURA Isao; YOKOYAMA Kiyoko
    Design principles for creating distinctive signatures were proposed with the target on Japanese signatures. They include rotation, right-left reversion, layout change on splitting and mirror imaging. Ten students created their signature using these principles. For these signatures, a database of genuine and forged signatures was produced by them. Two automatic signature verification methods, one is off-line and the other is on-line method, were applied to this database. The experiment revealed that mis-verification rate was as low as 0 % in the best case, which was an evidence of the feasibility of the devised principle.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -2000 
    Author : OZEKI Osamu; KATO Shohei; YOKOYAMA Kiyoko; WATANABE Yosaku
    The first purpose of this study is to propose the estimating method of the intensity of human emotion for fun and pleasure using facial expression and physiological data. The index of facial expression is the transverse width of mouth and the indices of physiological data are heart rate and skin conductance level. The three indices were measured while subjects wore seeing comedy movies. The subjects roported their evaluation for fun and pleasure with four intensity levels(0, 1, 2 and 3) after movie. Using the throe indices, the estimation formula based on multiple regression model was derived. The estimated intensity was compared with reported one. The mean error of estimation was about 0.3, It was concluded that the proposed methocl would be able to estimate the intensity of human emotion for fun and pleasure. The second purpose of this study Is to evaluate the differonce of α wave(8Hz 〜 13Hz) of electroenceph ilogram(EEG) on comfortable and uncomfortable emotron usmg three mdices - 1/f^m fluctuations, power of awave and power flow. The subjects were sixteen adults(20〜23 years old). The electrodes were attachedto Fpl Fp O_l 0_2 in the international l0/20 EEG system On 1/f^m fluctuations analysis ofFpl electrode F_, F_, O_1, O_2 mean value of m in the comfortable emotion was larger than uncomfortable one. This result was the same one as the precedrng research. On (xwave power 'analysis, there were no significant difference between comfortable and uncomfortable emotion in each four electrodes. Power f'low from one eleotrode to other three electrodos was calculated by autoregressive model. Experimental results showed that mean value of power flow in the uncomfortable emotion was larger th, an comfortable one on F_, F_, O_1, O_2.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1992 -1993 
    Author : WATANABE Yosaku; YOKOYAMA Kiyoko; TAKATA Kazuyuki
    This project is concerned with development of measurement system of physiological tremor during upright standing posture in man. The system consists of a personal computer, a force platform and three goniometers that detect angle of the ankle, knee and hip joint. A computer program was developed to read the data and compute the muscle forces in the leg. The developped system immidiately show the isometric muscle strength of the quadricept femoris muscles, calf muscle group and the hamstring muscles by means of two-dimensional model. It assumemes that the standing body in the four-link sagittal plane. We immidiately can analyzed the spectra of the time series of the body sway using autoregressive model. The powerspectra of the body sway show significant peaks around the frequency at approximately 5 Hz and 10Hz. The components of the spectra relate with the posture control mechanism. This high frequency peak, 10Hz, is closely related to the postural reflex system of the anti-gravitational muscle group. It suggests that the function of two control loops in stabilization of posture originate in the components.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1989 -1990 
    Author : WATANABE Yosaku; YOKOYAMA Kiyoko; TAKATA Kazuyuki
    (1) The first aim of this research was to verify a method of computing the forces of muscles using a two-dimensional model of the lower leg during standing posture in man. We can calculate the forces of the antigravity muscles using the model. The antigravity muscles compose of quadriceps femoris muscle group, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscle etc. The model needs following data of a subject to compute the forces of the muscles. The center of gravity of the subject, angle of ankle, and the knee angle are the data. EMG signals were recorded from the muscles of the lower leg. We analyzed the relation between the amplitude of the EMG signals and the forces of antigravity muscles of the subject during standing posture. It was concluded that the forces of the lower leg can be computed by the model. (2) The sucond aim of this research was to develop the on-line display system of the computed forces of the untigravity muscles during standing in man. The system are consisted by the PC-9801 (micro-computer), angle-sencers of the angles and the forceplate. The system make matter possible that the subject can immediately experience the forces of his muscles during various standing postures.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1989 -1989 
    Author : 藤谷 幸弘; 横山 清子; 田中 勝; 加藤 賢治; 櫻井 孝昌; 宇野 洋平
    本研究は、ここ数年のCADシステムの急速な開発とともに浮上してきた最新のテ-マであり、かつ本校が有する世界的なCADシステム(GDS,SVS)によりそのテ-マに取り組もうとした、画期的研究である。筆者は、豊田市中心市街地をCADに入力し、それを立体化彩色化することにより新しい視点からの都市景観分析を行ってきたが、アニメ-ションによる解析ははじめてのことでもあり、科研費の選考が後期になったこともあって、研究の進行はかなり遅れている。 まず、アニメ-ションシステムの構成については、科研費の大幅な削減のため、ビデオレコ-ダは購入できたが、CADシステムの情報をビデオ情報に変換するスキャンコンバ-タが購入できなかったため、一時的にスキャンコンバ-タをCAD会社より借用したり、ディスプレ-画面を直接ビデオカメラに撮り、ビデオレコ-ダ-で編集を試みた。よってシステムの確立に手間取り、アニメ-ションによる景観構成要素の操作による景観比較評価の分析は、次年度に持ち越した。 豊田市中心部を南北に縦断する国道248号線(ヤマナカ〜キャスルホテル間)を、走行する自動車からビデオカメラで撮影し、調査対象を2ケ所にしぼり、「500メ-トルの動的景観」を2つ編集した。それを学生30名にビデオ映写して見せ、それぞれアンケ-トに景観及び景観構成要素の評価を記入させた。このアンケ-ト調査結果を名古屋大学大型計算機センタ-の統計解析プログラムにより多変量解析を行った。数量化理論のいくつかの解析を行って現在分析を進めているが、因子負荷量の状況は、かなり予想された明確な形で出て来ており、因子負荷量の特化している景観構成要素(電柱、広告板、歩道橋等)をどうCAD化し、アニメ-ションの中でそれをどう操作(消去)して、ビデオを作成し評価分析するかも、次年度に持ち越した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1986 -1988 
    Author : TAKATA Kazuyuki; YOKOYAMA Kiyoko; WATANABE Yosaku
    The arrhythmia often appears on healthy peaple when they take exercise or they are mental strained. In the society the aged at a time like the present, it is necessary to stave off a danger of life causing by arrhythmia. The aim of this research is developing and making on an experimental basis heart rate variability (HRV) measuring device to detect arrhythmia. A new HRV, ARV, which is derived from the autoregressive model, is a very excellent parameter to detect and characterize the arrhythmia. ARV was examined thoroughly. The other hand, the time series of heart-beat was decomposed into frequency components. A time-series was generated by simulation with the same statistical property as the decomposed component. ARV was calculated from the generated time series, and the ARV was examined, too. As a result, by calculating ARV or the coefficient of variation of R-R interval (CVr-r) from the time-series obtained by the decomposition into frequency components, more detailed information can obtained, which could not be acquired from the whole time-series. We reported these results in the transaction of the institute of electronics, information and communication engineers. In this research, we tried to add the above method to the arrhythmia detecting device. Computing system on the main frame changed on the personal computer. First, the computing system was described by BASIC language, called system I. Then system II, which was described by machine language was constructed, and comparing to the system on the main frame, the effectuality of the system II was confirmed. As the system III, we made on an experimental basis a portable device using Z-80 micro processor. Using the system III for the healthy subjects and the subjects having arrhythmia, the effectuality of these system was examined. As the result, almost satisfactory results were derived using these systems. But these all systems input data from the electrocardiograph. To make a complete portable device, it is necessary to detect electrocardiogram using the portable device itself. About this problem, we examined various method, but could not make satisfactory detecting sensor. It remains to be proved that developing this electrocardiogram detection sensor.
  • ストレス低減のための映像と音薬を用いた生体情報提示システムの設計

Social Contribution

  • 長崎堂との連携
    Date (from-to) : 2012/04-2013/03
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 民間企業
    名古屋市立大学他 芸術工学部学生とともに、長崎堂の新商品開発を行った。
  • 名古屋市博物館との連携
    Date (from-to) : 2012/04-2013/03
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 行政
    名古屋市立大学、名古屋市博物館 大学院生の研究テーマとして、「名古屋市博物館における3D技術の活用方法の検討」を実施している。
  • 株式会社サークルKサンクスとの連携
    Date (from-to) : 2012/04-2012/12
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : その他
    名古屋市立大学他 経済学部・芸術工学部の学生とともに、株式会社サークルKサンクスの顧客確保戦略の提案を行った。
  • 愛工大名電高等学校での講義
    Date (from-to) : 2012/06-2012/06
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : その他
    愛工大名電高等学校 「先端技術入門」において、モーションキャプチャに関する講義を行った。

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