Researchers Database


    Graduate School of Economics Department of Economics Professor
Last Updated :2024/09/07

Researcher Information


  • PhD in Commerece and Management(Hitotsubashi University)


Research funding number

  • 20406713


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • DSGE-VAR   Pricing-to-market   Optimal Monetary Policy   Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium   New Open-economy Macroeconomics   Policy Cooperation   Currency Union   Inflation Targeting   Bayesian Estimation   New Keynesian   Monetary Policy in an Open-economy   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Money and finance
  • Humanities & social sciences / Public economics, labor economics
  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic policy
  • Humanities & social sciences / Theoretical economics

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2014/04 - Today  Nagoya City UniversityGraduate School of EconomicsProfessor
  • 2020/04 - 2022/03  Nagoya City UniversityGraduate School of EconomicsDirecter of the Institute of Economic Research
  • 2017/08 - 2018/08  Birkbeck, University of LondonDepartment of Economics, Mathematics and StatisticsVisiting Scholar
  • 2008/04 - 2014/03  Chiba Keizai UniversityFaculty of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2012/07 - 2012/10  University of LuxembourgCenter for Research on Economic Analysis、Faculity of Law, Economics and FinanceInvited Researcher
  • 2008/08 - 2009/07  Columbia UniversityCenter on Japanese Economy and Business, Graduate School of BusinessVisiting Fellow
  • 2005/04 - 2008/03  Chiba Keizai UniversityFaculty of EconomicsAssistant Professor
  • 1993/04 - 2000/04  Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Astellas Pharma Inc. at present)


  • 2002/04 - 2005/03  Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School of Commerce and Management  PhD Program
  • 2000/04 - 2002/03  Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School of Commerce and Management  MBA Program
  • 1989/04 - 1993/03  Doshisha University  Faculty of Commerce

Association Memberships


Published Papers

Books etc

  • International Finance
    OKANO, Eiji (Joint work)Toyokeizai Inc. 2016/04 9784492654774
  • グローバル・インバランスと国際通貨体制
    岡野衛士 (Joint editor通貨同盟の維持とグローバル・インバランス)東洋経済新報社 2013/03

Conference Activities & Talks

  • The Effects of A Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in A Small Open Economy with the FTPL  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    8th International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics” (FMND)  2024/05
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility in a Currency Union: The Fiscal Policy Connection  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM 2023)  2023/06
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Rigidity: How Default Risks Work?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    7th International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics  2023/06
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility in a Currency Union: The Fiscal Policy Connection
    日本金融学会2023年度春季大会  2023/05
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility in a Currency Union: The Fiscal Policy Connection
    OKANO, Eiji
    Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings  2023/05
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility in a Currency Union: The Fiscal Policy Connection  [Not invited]
    日本経済学会2022年度春季大会  2023/05
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility in a Currency Union: The Fiscal Policy Connection
    日本金融学会関東部会  2023/03
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    Southern Economic Association 92nd Annual Meeting (SEA 2020)  2022/11
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility in a Currency Union: The Fiscal Policy Connection  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 30th Anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty Conference  2022/09
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    27th RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance & Business  2022/09
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 7th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM 2022)  2022/08
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2022年度春季大会  2022/06
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本応用学会2022年度春季大会  2022/06
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2022年度春季大会  2022/05
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy  [Not invited]
    29th Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics  2022/03
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会中部部会2021年度第2回研究会  2022/03
  • The Effects of Money-financed Fiscal Stimulus in a Small Open Economy  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    15th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics  2021/12
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Rigidity: How Default Risks Work?
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会中部部会2020年度第2回研究会  2021/02
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Rigidity: How Default Risks Work?
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本応用経済学会2020年度春季大会  2020/06
  • Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Rules, Welfare Gains and Exogenous Shocks in an Economy with Default Risk  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2019年秋季大会  2019/10
  • Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Rules, Welfare Gains and Exogenous Shocks in an Economy with Default Risk  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本応用経済学会2019年秋季大会  2019/10
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Society for Economic Measurement (SEM), 6th Conference  2019/08
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies
    OKANO, Eiji
    Singapore Economic Review Conference (SERC) 2019  2019/08
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF), 25th International Conference  2019/06
  • Understanding the Gains from Wage Rigidity: How Default Risks Work?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    INFINITI Conference on International Finance  2019/06
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    4th International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics”  2019/05
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    26th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference  2018/10
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    14th Dynare Conference, European Central Bank  2018/07
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    8th International Conference on Economics  2018/07
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    European Economics and Finance Society 17th Annual Conference  2018/06  Milan, Italy
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    24th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2018)  2018/06
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    35th International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance  2018/06
  • Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    3rd International Conference on Banking and Finance Perspectives  2018/04
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Eastern Economic Association 44th Annual Meetings  2018/03
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    26th Symposium of the Society of Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics  2018/03
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 49th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group Annual Conference (MMF2017)  2017/09
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    XXIX Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics  2017/09
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 4th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM 2017)  2017/07
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Singapore Economic Review Conference  2017/07
  • A Role Model of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Rules in an Economy with Sovereign Risk: Evidence from Indonesia  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2017 Spring Meeting of Japan Association for Applied Economics  2017/06
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Royal Economic Society Conference 2017  2017/04
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    NCU and Chubu JSME Research Workshop on Accounting and Finance  2017/03
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Third Annual CIGS End of Year Macroeconomic Conference  2016/12
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 57th Conference of the Italian Economic Association  2016/10
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    10th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal  2016/07
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    45th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2016)  2016/07
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics and Finance (APEF 2016)  2016/07
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2016 The Korea Money and Finance Association Conference  2016/06
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2016 年春季大会  2016/06
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本応用経済学会2016年春季大会  2016/06
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2016 年春季大会  2016/05
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 19th Eurasia Business and Economics Society  2016/05
  • Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from a DSGE Viewpoint  [Not invited]
    日本金融学会中部部会  2016/03
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 47th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group Annual Conference  2015/09
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Singapore Economic Review Conference (SERC) 2015  2015/08
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2015 Australian Conference of Economists  2015/07
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2nd International Conference on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics”  2015/06
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2015年春季大会  2015/05
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    14th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference  2014/10
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会中部部会  2014/09
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2014年秋季大会  2014/09
  • Inflation Stabilization and Default Risk in a Currency Union  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 10th Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association  2014/07
  • Productivity Shocks and Monetary Policy in a Two-Country Model  [Not invited]
    JANG, Taeseok; Eiji Okano
    The 9th Dynare Conference  2013/10  Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
  • Sovereign Risk in the Euro Zone and Monetary Policy  [Not invited]
    Eiji OGAWA; Eiji Okano
    Asia Pacific Economic Association 8th Annual Conference,  2012/06  Nanyang Technological University
  • Optimal Monetary Policy in an Estimated Local Currency Pricing Model  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji; Masataka Eguchi; Hiroshi Gunji; Tomomi Miyazaki
    2012 Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings  2012/05  University of Notre Dame
  • Optimal Monetary Policy and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility under Local Currency Pricing  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    10th Annual Advances in Econometrics Conference  2011/11  Southern Methodist University
  • Optimal Monetary Policy and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility under Local Currency Pricing  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The European Conference on Banking and the Economy  2011/09
  • Optimal Monetary Policy in an Estimated Local Currency Pricing Model  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2011 Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings  2011/05
  • Optimal Monetary Policy and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility under Local Currency Pricing  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2011年春季大会  2011/05
  • Optimal Monetary Policy and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility under Local Currency Pricing  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 3rd International Conference of Macroeconomics and Policy  2011/03
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    39th Australian Conference of Economists  2010/09  Dockside
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Money, Macro and Finance Research Group 42nd Annual Conference (MMF 2010)  2010/09
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    第11回マクロコンファレンス  2009/12
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    「財政政策の政治・経済分析」コンファレンス  2009/11
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2009年秋季大会  2009/10
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    International Conference on Policy Modeling (EcoMod2009)  2009/06
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The 13th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance  2009/05
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 17th Annual Symposium  2009/04
  • Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix in a currency Union with Nontradable Goods  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    11th Annual Conference on Money and Finance in the Indian Economy  2009/01  Indhira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
  • How Important is the Fiscal Policy Cooperation in a Currency Union?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    Conference on European Financial, Monetary and Fiscal Integration  2008/12
  • Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix in a currency Union with Nontradable Goods  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2007年春季大会  2007/06
  • Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix in a currency Union with Nontradable Goods  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2007年春季大会  2007/05
  • Inflation--Output Trade-offs in an Optimization-based Econometric Framework Applied to an Open Economy: The Case of Japan  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    The Journal of Asian Economics Conference on Financial System Reform and Monetary Policies in Asia  2006/09  Hitotsubashi University
  • Inflation-- Output Trade-offs in an Optimization-based Econometric Framework Applied to an Open Economy: The Case of Japan  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    第4 回現代経済政策研究会議  2005/12
  • Inflation--Output Trade-offs in an Optimization-based Econometric Framework Applied to an Open Economy: The Case of Japan  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    第2回浜名湖カンファレンス  2005/12
  • Inflation--Output Trade-offs in an Optimization-based Econometric Framework Applied to an Open Economy: The Case of Japan  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2005年度春季大会  2005/06
  • Inflation--Output Tradeoffs in an Optimization-based Econometric Framework Applied to an Open Economy: The Case of Japan  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2005 年度春季大会  2005/05
  • Inflation--Output Trade-offs in an Optimization-based Econometric Framework Applied to an Open Economy: The Case of Japan  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会国際金融部会  2004/10
  • Has Inflation Targeting Improved Social Welfare in Practice?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2004 Fall Meeting of Japanese Economic Association  2004/09  Okayama University
  • Has Inflation Targeting Improved Social Welfare in Practice?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本金融学会2004 年度秋季大会  2004/09
  • Has Inflation Targeting Improved Social Welfare in Practice?  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    第1回浜名湖カンファレンス  2004/03
  • 市場別価格設定行動とインフレターゲティング  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    2003 Fall Meeting of Japan Society of Monetary Economics  2003/10  Shiga University
  • 市場別価格設定行動とインフレターゲティング  [Not invited]
    OKANO, Eiji
    日本経済学会2003 年度秋季大会  2003/10


  • 金利平価式
    岡野衛士  中部経済新聞  朝刊-  2024/03
  • ヘリコプターマネー
    岡野衛士  中部経済新聞『オープンカレッジ』  (朝刊8面)  2021/06
  • 物価の財政理論とその課題
    岡野衛士  中部経済新聞『オープンカレッジ』  (朝刊10面)  2018/08
  • 『ビッグマックレート』を考える
    岡野衛士  中部経済新聞『オープンカレッジ』  (朝刊8 面)  2017/02
  • 国際政策協調の舞台としてのG20
    岡野衛士  中部経済新聞『オープンカレッジ』  (朝刊8 面)  2015/05
  • 増加続ける中国の外貨準備--「中国脅威論の論拠か」
    岡野衛士  中部経済新聞『オープンカレッジ』  (朝刊8面)  2014/05

Awards & Honors

  • 2018/10 Eurasia Business and Economics Society Best Paper Award for the Best Paper Award, the26th EBES Conference
     Importance of Awareness of Default Risk on Conducting Monetary and Fiscal Policies 
    受賞者: OKANO, Eiji;Masataka Eguchi
  • 2016/05 Eurasia Business and Economics Society Third Best Paper for the Best Paper Award in the 19th EBES Conference
     Revisiting the Fiscal Theory of Sovereign Risk from the DSGE View TUR international_society 
    受賞者: OKANO, Eiji;Kazuyuki Inagaki

Research Grants & Projects

Teaching Experience

  • Principles of EconomicsPrinciples of Economics Nagoya City University
  • EconomicsEconomics Nagoya City University
  • Basic MacroeconomicsBasic Macroeconomics Nagoya City University
  • Money and FinanceMoney and Finance Nagoya City University
  • Monetary PolicyMonetary Policy Nagoya City University
  • Topics on MacroeconomicsTopics on Macroeconomics Chiba Keizai Uinversity
  • Securities MarketsSecurities Markets Chiba Keizai Uinversity
  • BankingBanking Chiba Keizai Uinversity
  • International Money and FinanceInternational Money and Finance Chiba Keizai Uinversity
  • Introduction to EconomicsIntroduction to Economics Chiba Keizai Uinversity
  • Elementary MacroeconomicsElementary Macroeconomics Chiba Keizai Uinversity

Academic Contribution

  • 日本経済学会代議員
    Date (from-to) :2024/05/25-Today
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Academic society etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本経済学会
  • 日本金融学会中部部会部会長
    Date (from-to) :2019/05-Today
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Academic society etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本金融学会
  • 日本金融学会常任理事 (国際交流担当)
    Date (from-to) :2022/05-2024/05
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Academic society etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本金融学会
  • 日本金融学会理事
    Date (from-to) :2016/05-2024/05
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Academic society etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本金融学会

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