Researchers Database


    Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Clinical Pharmacy Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/27

Researcher Information


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 分化   肝細胞   ヒトiPS細胞   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Cell biology
  • Life sciences / Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
  • Life sciences / Pharmacology
  • Life sciences / Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
  • Life sciences / Clinical pharmacy

Published Papers

Books etc

  • 臓器チップの技術と開発動向
    岩尾岳洋; 松永民秀 (Joint work経口投与薬物の吸収・代謝過程を模倣した小腸–肝臓連結デバイスの開発)シーエムシー出版 2018/04
  • 薬剤学実験法 必携マニュアル —Pharmaceutical Scientistのために—
    松永民秀; 岩尾岳洋 (Joint work多能性幹細胞(ES細胞,iPS細胞)の利用)日本薬剤学会,南江堂 2014/04


Industrial Property Rights

Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 安井 孝周; 田口 和己; 加藤 洋一; 安藤 亮介; 海野 怜; 岡田 淳志; 杉野 輝明; 濱本 周造; 松永 民秀; 郡 健二郎
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 岡田 朋記; 田口 和己; 松永 民秀; 安井 孝周; 嶋田 逸誠; 岡田 淳志; 濱本 周造
    [1]ヒト由来の腎オルガノイドを用いて健常者と尿路結石患者の腎形態を比較する ① 健常者および尿路結石患者由来iPS細胞の作製 研究に同意を得た健常者、尿路結石患者から血液を採取し、全血から末梢血単核細胞を分離後、エピソーマルベクターを用いて山中4因子(Oct3/4、Sox2、Klf4、c-Myc)を導入し、iPS細胞を作製した。本研究では安定したiPS細胞確立のため、外部受託を行った。尿路結石患者由来のiPS細胞は計5クローン作製され、その後の拡大培養により腎オルガノイドの作製に必要な細胞数が充分量確保された。 ② 健常者および尿路結石患者由来の腎オルガノイドの作製 作製したiPS細胞を、高里(Nature, 2015)らの手法を用いて、CHIR99021、FGF9の付加により腎前駆細胞へと分化させ、遠心分離による再集合の形成と三次元培養を経て腎オルガノイドを誘導した。また今後の実験系において適した腎オルガノイドを作製するため、Freedman(Nat Commun, 2015)らの手法を用いて、CHIR99021、B27の付加により遠心分離を行なわなず、Spheroidを形成させることによる腎オルガノイドの誘導も行った。作製された腎オルガノイドの評価は、いずれの手法によるものもホールマウント免疫染色にて行った。健常者由来と尿路結石患者由来の腎オルガノイドは、WTI、LTL、E-cadherinの免疫染色によって、それぞれ糸球体、近位尿細管、遠位尿細管の構造が発現していることを確認した。この際、健常者と尿路結石患者由来を比較したが、免疫染色上で確認される組織構造の相違は認めなかった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 片野 敬仁; 松永 民秀
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 堺 陽子; 松永 民秀; 長田 茂宏; 岩尾 岳洋
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 中村 克徳; 益崎 裕章; 安藤 雄一; 松永 民秀; 莚田 泰誠
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 松永 民秀; 岩尾 岳洋
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 竹内 正義; 石垣 靖人; 松永 民秀; 郡山 恵樹; 瀧野 純一
    研究代表者らがこれまで世界に先駆けて解明してきた、TAGE蓄積と生活習慣病との関連について、さらなる科学的根拠を蓄積し、「TAGE原因説」の概念を確立するための研究を遂行している。 令和3年度においては、以下の研究を実施した。 【1】肝細胞障害:1)各種肝細胞を用い、TAGE前駆体のグリセルアルデヒド(GA)を添加する方法により、TAGE蓄積と細胞障害機序を比較した結果、ほぼ同様の影響が検証された(Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2021,44:1399)。2)ヒト細胞株を用いてGA耐性株の樹立を試みた結果、1株においてGA耐性を獲得していることが判明した(竹内、石垣、松永、研究協力者)。【2】心筋細胞障害:心筋細胞と膵島β細胞においては、TAGE蓄積に伴うオートファジー関連蛋白質の挙動の違いが見出され(Nutrients 2022,14:332)、TAGEを蓄積した心筋細胞は、特異的なオートファジー阻害を起こしている可能性が示唆された(竹内、研究協力者)。【3】神経細胞障害:神経細胞におけるTAGE化蛋白質として軸索伸長に関連するβチューブリンを見出した。そこで、GAによる軸索伸長への影響を調べたところ、GAはβチューブリンのTAGE化を伴う異常凝集を引き起こし、軸索伸長を阻害することを見出した(論文投稿準備中)(郡山、研究協力者、竹内)。【4】血管内皮細胞障害:不死化ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞を用いてRasGRP2安定過剰発現株を樹立した(Sci. Rep. 2021,11:2959)(瀧野、研究協力者、竹内)。【5】小腸上皮細胞障害:hiPS細胞から実験に適した小腸上皮細胞への分化誘導条件を改良し、最適化を検証した(松永、研究協力者)。【6】TAGE蓄積抑制化合物の探索:TAGE特異的評価系を用いて、候補化合物の探索を実施し、数種の化合物を見出した(竹内)。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 坡下 真大; 松永 民秀; 諫田 泰成
    運動ニューロンが障害を受ける筋萎縮姓側索硬化症(ALS)の脳内神経変性部位において、血液脳関門(BBB)が破綻していることが近年報告されており、神経変 性要因の一つと考えられている。脳毛細血管内皮細胞、脳ペリサイト、アストロサイトから構成されるBBBの破綻には、炎症反応を活性化するミクログリアが関 与していると考えられているが、ミクログリアによる炎症反応がどうのようにBBBを破綻させているのかは分かっていない。本研究では、ALSにおけるBBB破綻の メカニズムを解明するために、iPS細胞から構築したBBB構成細胞とALS患者iPS細胞由来ミクログリアを共培養した炎症反応模倣in vitro BBB評価系を構築することを目的としている。 本年度は、健常人iPS細胞から分化誘導した血管内皮前駆細胞およびペリサイトを、セルカルチャーインサート内にて共培養できる条件設定を行い、経内皮電気抵抗値が上昇する共培養法を確立した。現在、健常人iPS細胞由来ミクログリアおよび健常人iPS細胞由来アストロサイトとの共培養法の確立を目指している。また、健常人iPS細胞からミクログリア前駆細胞の分化誘導に成功し、前駆細胞を増殖させる低分子化合物の検討を行っている段階である。加えて、ALS患者iPS細胞を本年度後半に入手することができたため、現在、ALS患者iPS細胞からミクログリアへの分化誘導の検討を行っている。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 岡田 淳志; 田口 和己; 郡 健二郎; 安藤 亮介; 松永 民秀; 安井 孝周; 濱本 周造
    [1] 培養Mφを用いたM1/M2マクロファージ結晶貪食解析法の確立 ① 培養Mφを用いたM1/M2誘導による貪食解析:昨年度は貪食能の定量化の確立を行い、IFN-γ・IL-4投与によるf-COM結晶貪食率の差異を確認できなかった。この理由として、培養MφのM1/M2への分化を期待した研究方針であったと認識し、本研究はこの段階で中止として全般的に化合物ライブラリー研究へと移行した。 ② 既存薬ライブラリーによる貪食能の亢進薬の選出:昨年度2600種類の既存薬ライブラリーFDA-approved Drug Library (384-well)-L1300の導入を決定し、抽出した約800種類の薬剤に関し貪食解析を開始した。IncuCyteハイスループット生細胞解析システムで、細胞面積とCOM面積を測定し、総COM残量 (crystal remaining amount; CRA)を算出した。すべての薬剤について、3-5回同じ条件で実験を行い、CRAを測定した。現在、COM結晶の貪食を有意に変化させる薬剤について抽出中である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 安井 孝周; 田口 和己; 安藤 亮介; 松永 民秀; 海野 怜; 川端 剛; 岡田 淳志; 濱本 周造
    尿路結石は、生涯罹患率が12%に達し、再発率は5年で50%と高いが、予防法は確立していない。私たちは、尿路結石モデルマウスにおいて「腎結石が自然消失する」という現象を捉えた。これには、尿細管上皮細胞のオートファジーや、免疫細胞であるMφによる結晶貪食が関わることが示唆される。本研究では、尿細管上皮細胞・Mφ・脂肪細胞らの細胞間ネットワークに焦点を当て、以下の5つの研究から尿路結石の包括的な治療法・予防法の開発を目指している。 [1] オートファジーを応用した尿路結石形成機序の解明と制御法の確立:オートファジーが結石形成腎で低下していることを示し、MTOR阻害剤がオートファジーと結石形成の減少をきたすことを明らかにした。 [2] Mφ分化を応用した尿路結石の消失現象の解明と予防法の開発:マウス骨髄から遊離したMφをM1・M2に分化、ソート後、静脈注射によって投与し、M2が結石形成を抑制することを示した。 [3] 脂質代謝障害におけるオートファジー・Mφ機能の障害と結石形成変化の解明:脂質代謝に関わるFABP4が結石形成腎で変化していることを明らかにした。 [4] ヒト腎乳頭・尿中蛋白におけるオートファジー/Mφ/脂質代謝関連分子のomics解析:ヒト腎乳頭組織からRNAを抽出した。Omics解析によって結石形成におけるネットワークを解明する。 [5] 低分子化合物ライブラリーによる細胞間結晶貪食作用を介した創薬:iPS細胞からMφを分化させた。そのMφがシュウ酸カルシウム結晶を貪食することを確認した。疾患iPSを用いた研究に応用する。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : Matsunaga Tamihide
    We used gellan gum (GG), a soluble dietary fiber, to optimize human iPS cell-derived enterocytes (hiPSEs) differentiation. hiPSEs cocultured with GG had significantly higher expression of small intestine- and pharmacokinetics-related genes and proteins. GG could improve the differentiation efficiency of human iPS cells to enterocytes and increase intestinal maturation by extending the life span of hiPSEs. Human iPS cell-derived budding-like organoids showed a high expression of drug transporters and induced the expression of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein. Upon dissociation and seeding on cell culture inserts, the organoids retained intestinal characteristics, forming polarized intestinal folds with approximately 400 Ω×cm2 transepithelial electrical resistance. We generated small intestine-on-a-chip and construct with human iPS cell-derived 2D organoids. These novel methods have great potential for disease modeling and drug screening applications.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : Nakamura Katsunori
    Proper use and selection of antibody drugs are considered to be of clinical significance.The main purpose of this study was to clarify what causes side effects of biological drug and what is the most suitable combination drug for reducing side effects of biological drug.Infusion reactions are controlled by dosing rate, additional doses of corticosteroids, and prophylactic administration of antihistamines and antipyretic analgesics.We analyzed the correlation between the frequency of infusion reactions of rituximab and FcRn genetic polymorphisms.Furthermore, the difference between the combination drugs was examined.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Hashita Tadahiro
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2020/03 
    Author : TAKEUCHI Masayoshi
    Habitual excessive consumption of sugar and/or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), involved in the onset of diabetes mellitus, was demonstrated to induce the excessive production of glyceraldehyde, an intermediate of glucose and/or fructose metabolism, in hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes. Through reactions with intracellular proteins, it generates and accumulates toxic advanced glycation end-products (toxic AGEs, TAGE), resulting in various cellular disorders. The leaking of TAGE out of cells affects the surrounding cells and also increases blood TAGE levels to promote the onset and progression of lifestyle-related diseases, as demonstrated in cell and animal experiments. To improve public knowledge of the effect of TAGE in people’s daily lives, scientific evidence should be further accumulated.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : TAYA MASAHITO
    In this research, we aimed to establish 3D bioprinting technology based on visible light curing inks and bioprinters for them for fabricating functional 3D tissue construction. As the visible light curing ink, we used polymers possessing phenolic hydroxyl moieties. Visible light responsive photoredox catalyst was used for inducing hydrogelation. We succeeded in fabrication of 3D hydrogel constructs including cells and a blood vessel-like perfusable structure without affecting the survival of cells. Furthermore, it was revealed that it is possible to achieve proliferation of cells in the hydrogel constructs as well as differentiation induction from human adipose-derived stem cells. As such, we were able to succeed in developing a new 3D bioprinting technology.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Nakamura Katsunori; Iida Shinsuke; Mushiroda Taisei
    Infusion reaction is a side effect that occurs immediately after antibody drug administration, and its prediction is becoming very important. In this study, we identified infusion reaction risk factors by analyzing genetic polymorphisms in patients who developed adverse effects immediately after rituximab administration. [Significance] By identifying risk factors such as the effects of FcRn genetic polymorphism, it is expected that the optimal use of rituximab can be considered taking into consideration individual differences in their genetic polymorphism. [Importance] It is expected that this study may be generalized to antibody drugs and could be applied to "preclinical tests" performed prior to clinical trials where antibody drugs are first administered to humans.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : Ishikawa Tetsuya; YUKAWA Hiroshi; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; SUEMIZU Hiroshi; HAYASHI Yumi
    Hepatocyte-chimera mouse system was established as a model for the cell transplantation treatment with hepatocytes or stem cell-derived cells. In the transgenic mice, HSVtk that express the thymidine kinase of human herpes simplex virus in their hepatocytes, administration of ganciclovir (GCV) kills autologous hepatocytes, enabling transplantation of hepatocytes of other origin. In the case of allogenic hepatocyte transplantation into HSVtk, all the transplanted cells were eliminated by a strong immune-rejection response. In the case of syngeneic hepatocytes expressing foreign antigens, efficient engraftment of transplanted cells was observed, while inflammatory cells infiltration around the engrafted cells and cellular immune response to the foreign antigens were confirmed. The hepatocyte-chimeric mouse system can be a useful model for elucidating the mechanism of immune rejection in the cell transplantation in the liver and for studying a therapeutic method for immune rejection.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Matsunaga Tamihide; IWAO Takahiro
    In the differentiation of human iPS cells into enterocytes, the mRNA expression levels of intestinal markers and pharmacokinetic-related factors were increased by addition of small molecule compounds. On the other hand, these mRNA expression levels were increased by high molecule compounds. These results suggested that these compounds contribute obtain of intestinal functions. Intestinal organoids were useful as a toxicity evaluation system, because dose-dependent cytotoxicity was observed by an anti-cancer drug 5-FU. The mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines and markers of regenerative intestinal epithelial stem cells was increased by 5-FU. These results suggested that these expression changes are promising as cytotoxic markers.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Matsunaga Tamihide
    Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are expected to be applicable not only in regenerative medicine but also in drug development such as pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic studies. In this study, the differentiation in 3D sphere culture was increased the gene expressions or the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes and improved the function of human iPS cell-derived hepatocytes. The small-molecule compounds, PD98059, 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine and A-83-01, were effective in generating pharmacokinetically functional enterocytes from human iPS cells. MEK, DNMT, and TGF-β inhibitors can be used to promote the differentiation of human iPS cells into pharmacokinetically functional enterocytes.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Kikuchi Chigusa
    In this study, we examined vascular endothelium function using diabetes model animals and questionnaire on factors of going for a medical checkup for women to clarify the mechanism of vascular endothelium dysfunction mediated by sex difference. In diabetes model female rats, post-occlusive hind limb reactive hyperemia index was decreased as compared with control rats at early stage. As the result of the questionnaire, many women were under stress. It was suggested that especially child rearing and economic factors prevent women from going for a medical checkup.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Matsunaga Tamihide; ITO Tetsuya; MAEDA Tohru
    Glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD-Ib) is caused by mutations in the glucose-6-phosphate transporter (G6PT) gene, which is involved in glycogen metabolism. Patients with GSD-Ib are known to develop neutropenia as a specific symptom, but the causes remain unclear. We examined the mechanism of reactive oxygen species production after differentiation from HL-60 cells, and the collapse of glycogen metabolism because of G6PT deficiency. A high intracellular glucose level leads to an increase in ROS production by PKC induction. We established induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) from patients with GSD-Ib. iPS cells-derived hepatocytes generated from patients with GSDIb metabolic abnormalities recapitulated key pathological features of the diseases affecting the patients from whom they were derived, such as glycogen, lactate, pyruvate and lipid accumulation. Cells that were differentiated into neutrophils also showed the GSDIb pathology.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : Tanaka Yasuhito; MATSUNAGA Tamihide
    In the differentiation to hepatocytes from human iPS cells, it was revealed that the HDAC inhibitor valproic acid in combination with cytokines induce differentiation cells into hepatic progenitor cells followed by maturation into functional hepatocytes. The hepatocytes formed a spheroid by the three-dimensional culture, and the gene expression of CYP3A which is hepatocytes marker and drug metabolizing enzyme is markedly higher than that in 2D cultures. The 3D-cultured iPS-hepatocyte spheroids were transplanted into the portal vein of highly immunodeficient NOG mice (TK-NOG) that is induced liver injury by ganciclovir treatment. At one week post-injection of hepatic spheroids, human albumin levels elevated temporarily.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : NAKAMURA Katsunori; KIMURA Kazunori; ANDO Yuichi; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; Ohmori Shigeru
    Rituximab also called RITUXAN can cause fever, a chill and the itch as adverse effects. This adverse effect sometimes could be severe, including fatal, infusion reaction (IR). Severe reactions typically occurred during the first infusion. In order to establish the method to avoid IR, risk factor of IR should be made clear. In this study, The patient who developed IR at Nagoya University hospital was 58.1% and at Nagoya City University hospital was 20.2%. The genomic DNA are picked out from blood of the patient who developed IR, and the responsible gene of a high-risk patient is being analyzed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : MATSUNAGA Tamihide; OHMORI Shigeru; NARIMATSU Shizuo
    Monkey iPS cell lines were established from dermal fibroblasts by transforming of reprogramming factors. The differentiation ability into triploblastic cells of the iPS cells in vitro was determined by floating cultivation of embryoid bodies. To examine the potential for xenogenic approaches in blastocyst complementation, we injected rat iPS/ES cells into mouse blastocysts generating interspecific chimeras. The interspecific chimeras between mouse and rat using a blastocyst injection technique with rat iPS/ES cells were generated. These data provide basic knowledge of principle for interspecific blastocyst complementation and for generation in vivo of organs derived from monkey iPS/ES cells using a xenogenic environment.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    In this study, we examined the mechanism of vascular dysfunction mediated by postprandial hyperglycemia and the effects of new antidiabetes agent, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor using model animals and patient's data. Onset of atherosclerotic disease in diabetic patients was depend on circadian rhythm of blood glucose. Protein kinase C delta was decreased and reactive oxygen species via eNOS uncoupling was increased in the vascular wall of postprandial hyperglycemia model animals. Chronic administration of DPP-4 inhibitor suppresses postprandial hyperglycemia and decreased reactive oxygen species production.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : OHMORI Shigeru; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; NAKAMURA Katsunori; YAMAORI Satoshi
    Human hepatocytes are useful for pharmacokinetic examinations. However, considerable donor-dependent variations are problematic. The small intestine, as well as liver, plays an important role in all aspects of pharmacokinetics. At present, human intestinal epithelial cells are difficult to obtain, and there is no appreciate model cells. Instead, other tissue cell-derived cell lines, including Caco-2 cells and MDCK cells, were used as intestinal model in a drug absorption study. Human iPS cells apparently differentiate into various types of mature cells, and are thereby an attractive source for routine access to large numbers of cells that can be used for the pharmacokinetic examinations replacing primary cells. In this study, we investigated the effects of small-molecule compounds for differentiation of human iPS cells into hepatocytes and enterocytes available in pharmacokinetic study.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : NAKAMURA Katsunori; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; OHMORI Shigeru
    Final goal of this study was to find the way to improve the cancer chemotherapies and cancer chemo-preventions from the information of Vitamin K cycle-related genetic polymorphisms. The human iPS cells would be useful as an appropriate assay of a variety of drug metabolism study as well as the study of cancer chemo-preventions. The effect of Vitamin Kcycle-related genetic polymorphisms on warfarin maintenance dose was observed and this could havesome importance when warfarin prescribed during cancer chemotherapies.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : 松永 民秀; 大森 栄
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 松永 民秀; 大森 栄
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : 大森 栄; 松永 民秀
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : MATSUNAGA Tamihide; OHMORI Shigeru
    Human fetal liver (HFL) cell culture was initiated from a pool of six normal human liver tissues. The proliferation and viability of HFL cells were evaluated using 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay, and the cells increased by more than 100-fold by culture for 15 days. The levels of expression of albumin (ALB), hepatocyte growth factor 4 α, hepatocyte growth factor, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7 mRNAs in HFL cells increased with culture period, while that of α-fetoprotein (AFP) mRNA decreased gradually. In HepG2 cells, however, the expression levels of ALB and AFP mRNAs were not changed, and the levels of expression of CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7 mRNAs decreased gradually. The mRNA expression of major CYP isoforms including CYP3As, i.e., CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C (2C9 and 2C19), CYP2D6, and CYP2E1, could be detected in HepG2 cells. With the exception of CYP1A2, all of the CYP mRNAs expressed in HepG2 cells were detected in HFL cells. In HFL cells, CYP3A4 and CYP3A7 mRNA expression levels were markedly up-regulated by dexamethasone (DEX), but not by rifampicin (RIF). CYP3A5 mRNA level was not increased significantly by DEX, RIF, or phenobarbital (PB). On the other hand, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7 mRNA expression levels in HepG2 cells were increased from 2- to 3-fold by treatment with DEX, PB, and RIF. Pregnane X receptor mRNA was expressed in HepG2 cells, but not HFL cells. Testosterone 6β -hydroxylase activity was induced to about 2-fold of control by DEX. However, concomitant treatment with RIF did not alter DEX-mediated induction of CYP3A mRNA expression and testosterone 6β-hydroxylase activity. DEX-mediated induction of CYP3A mRNA was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner by RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist. At 5 μM RU486, DEX-mediated induction of CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7 mRNA expression was inhibited almost completely. These results suggest that, in human fetal hepatocytes, PXR is not involved in DEX-mediated induction of CYP3A4 and CYP3A7, and that the induction is mediated directly by GR.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : OHMORI Shigeru; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; SASAKI Katsunori
    To differentiate mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to hepatocytes, embryoid bodies were cultured for 36 days. Hepatocyte differentiation markers were expressed in the cells differentiated from ES cells. The expression pattern of cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes in the cells could be grouped into four different categories, such as highly expressed at early to mid stage, only expressed at late stage ; expressed throughout at all stages and not detectable at any stages. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator and glucocorticoid receptor were detected in the cells cultured throughout the time course. Pregnane X receptor was detected only the cells cultured for more than 24 days. The alpha-fetoprotein and albumin were co-expressed with CYP3A2 and CYP1A1, respectively. Monkey ES cells were also differentiated into hepatocytes in vitro. The cells expressed alpha-fetoprotein, albumin, CYP3A8, CYP3A66 and CYP7A1. We have isolated a cDNA clone from the differentiating monkey ES cells and identified a novel CYP isoform, named CYP3A7m. Deduced amino acid sequence of CYP3A7m shows 89, 81, 91 and 72% homology to CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP3A7 and CYP3A43, respectively. These results suggested that CYP and transcription factor genes were expressed in hepatocytes differentiated from ES cells and those expression levels and patterns were considerably changed in individual enzymes during the course of the differentiation.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : WATANABE Kazuhito; USAMI Noriyuki; MATSUNAGA Tamihide
    1) ES46.5K, a novel esterase, hydrolyzed stereospecifically and regioselectively the acetyl derivatives of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) metabolites. 2) ES46.5K could hydrolze acetylaminofluorene, phthalate esters, cocaine and heroin, suggesting that the enzyme has some role for metabolizing enzyme of xenobiotic esters. 3) cDNA cloning of ES46.5K is in progress using cDNA of human AAF-DAC as a probe. 4) Natural cannabinoids (THC, cannabidiol, cannabinol) and some of THC metabolites inhibited anandamide amidohydrolase in mouse brain microsomes. 5) Anandamide amidohydrolase was purified from mouse hepatic microsomes and characterized its properties. It is demonstrated that the enzyme has an important role for regulation of biological effects of anandamide. 6) The antibody against anandamide amidohydrolase was prepared. 7) The Antibody-reactive clones were obtained by screening of cDNA library from mouse liver. 8) Tolerance and cross-tolerance developed in the cataleptogenic and hypothermic effect of THC, THC metabolites and anandamide. Pharmacologic interaction between the cannabinoids and anandamide was also demonstrated.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : MATSUNAGA Tamihide; USAMI Noriuki; WATANABE Kazuhito; YAMAMOTO Ikuo
    1. 3-OH-β-ionone was oxidized to 3-oxo-β-ionone by hepatic microsomes of mouse and monkey. In both animals, NAD was most effective as cofactor, followed by NADP, NADPH and NADH. 2. The NADPH-dependent 3-oxo-β-ionone forming activity (MALCO activity) in mouse was almost completely inhibited by antibody against Cyp3all. 3-OH-β-ionone MALCO activity in monkey was inhibited by antisera against CYP2A and Cyp3all. 4. The NAD- and NADP-dependent formation of 3-oxa-β-ionone in mouse was inhibited by disulfiram. 5. In the case of monkey, the NADP-dependent activity was inhibited by babital, quercetin and quercitrin as well as disulfiram and HgClィイD22ィエD2, while the NAD-dependent activity was inhibited by disulfiram and HgClィイD22ィエD2. 6. In the hepatic microsomes of monkey, the Km/Vmax value for NAD-dependent 3-oxo-β-ionone forming activity was about 10-fold higher than that for the NADPH-dependent activity. 7. Microsomal 3-OH-β-ionone dehydrogenate (MALDH) was purified from male Japanese monkey livers. Specific activity of the enzyme was about 5 times higher than that of microsomes, and the molecular mass is about 23.5 kDa. These results indicated that not only P450(MALCO) but also microsomal alcohol dehydrogenase(s) (MALDH) required NAD and/or NADP as cofactor catalyzed the formation of 3-oxo-β-ionone from 3-OH-β-ionone in hepatic microsomes of mouse and monkey.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1995 
    Author : 松永 民秀
    当研究室において、Δ^8-tetrahydrocannabinol(Δ^8-THC)の代謝物である7-OH-Δ^8-THC(第2級アルコール)が、分子状酸素とNADPHを必要とするミクロソーム中の酵素により、7-oxo-Δ^8-THC(ケトン体)に酸化されることを見い出した。さらに、このような反応を触媒する酵素をMicrosomal Alcohol Oxygenase(MALCO)と命名、その高い活性を有するモルモット肝ミクロソームより、主要な酵素として3A subfamilyに属すると推定される新規なP450(P450GPF-B)を精製した。そこで、本研究においてはモルモット以外の動物種について同様に明らかにすると共に、先にcDNAをクローニングしたMicrosomal Aldehyde Oxygenase(MALDO)と比較、それらの性質及び構造を明らかにすることを目的として検討を行った。その結果、マウス及びサル肝のHALCO活性も抗P450G PH-B抗体により顕著に阻害された。また、マウスのHALCO_2活性は、デキサメサゾン及びフェノバルビタール処理により有意に誘導された。そこで、デキサメサゾン処理マウス及び未処理ニホンザルの各肝ミクロソームより、抗P450GPF-B抗体との交差性を指標に精製し、その主要な酵素としてP450MDX-B及びP450JM-Eを得た。これらP450の酵素化学的性質及びN末端アミノ酸配列の比較より、いずれも3A subfamilyに属するP450であることが示唆された。また、^<18>O_2気相下ミクロソーム系による7-oxo-Δ^8-THCへの^<18>Oの取り込みに、光学異性体である7α-と7β-OH-Δ^8-THCでは明らかな違いが認められることから、複数の分子種の寄与があるものと考えていた。しかし、両精製酵素を用いた再構成系においても7α-OH-Δ^8-THCを基質とした場合には7-oxo-Δ^8-THCへの^<18>Oの取り込みが認められたのに対し、7β-OH-Δ^8-THCではほとんど取り込まれなかったことから、1つの分子種が立体選択的な機構により酸化することが示唆された。また、マウスのcDNAライブラリーよりP450MDX-Bと推定されるcDNAをクローニングし、その一次構造を決定した。その結果、本P450は3A subfamilyに属する分子種であると共に、HALDの主要な酵素であるCYP2との相同性は低いことが明らかとなった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 -1995 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Ikuo; USAMI Noriyuki; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; WATANABE Kazuhito
    Three P450 isozymes, named P450MDX-A,P450GPF-A and P450JM-C,which are major isozymes responsible for 9-anthraldehyde microsomal aldehyde oxygenase (MALDO) activity were purified from hepatic microsomes of mice, guinea pigs and Japanese monkeys. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of these isozymes suggest that the isozymes are member of CYP2B subfamily. Piperonal, alpha-n-amylcinnamaldehyde, vanillin and tolaldehyde were also oxidized to the corresponding carboxylic acids by MALDO of mouse liver. Three P450 isozymes, named P450MDX-B,P450GPF-B and P450JM-E,which are major isozymes responsible for 7-OH-DELTA^8-tetrahydrocannabinol microsomal alcohol oxygenase (MALCO) activity were purified from hepatic microsomes of mice, guinea pigs and female Japanese monkeys. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of these isozymes suggest that the isozymes are member of CYP3A subfamily. A cDNA encoding a P450 isozyme was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from male 129 mouse liver. The cDNA,designated Cyp2c-29 (129), may correspond to a polymorphic variant of Cyp2c-29 (isolated from C57BL/6 mouse liver cDNA library). One out of the six nucleotide changes is nonconservative, resulting in the replacement of 106 Ile of Cyp2c-29 (C57BL/6) by 104 Met. The comparison with Cyp2c-29 sequence shows 4 differences concentrated within a 174-nucleotide sequence located 228-405. mRNAs corresponding to this region (188-445) in C57BL/6, ddN,ddY,C3H,DBA/2 and ICR mouse livers were amplified by the methods of RT-PCR.The amplified nucleotide sequences were the identical with those of Cyp2c-29 (129) except for C57BL/6. A cDNA clone encoding P450MDX-B was isolated from a mouse liver cDNA library. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA is identical to that of Cyp3a-11.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 -1995 
    Author : 松永 民秀
    新規アイソザイムP450MUT-2(MALDO)の役割とその反応機構解明に関する研究について、以下の点を明らかにした。 1) P450MUT-2(CYP2C29)の発現調節:ddN系雄マウスの11-Oxo-Δ^8-tetrahydrocannabinolを基質とした時のMALDO活性は、用いた各種誘導剤中フェノバルビタール処理で対照群の約2倍と有意に誘導されたが、3-メチルコラントレン、デキサメタゾンあるいはアセトン処理では有意な活性の上昇は認められなかった。P450MUT-2(CYP2C29)のタンパク質及びそのmRNA含量は、フェノバルビタール処理においてのみ対照群の約2培増加し、MALDO活性と良い相関が認められた。また、雄雌マウス肝のMALDO活性は、4週齢まで加齢とともに上昇、ミクロソーム中のP450MUT-2(CYP2C29)含量と良い相関を示した。現在、mRNAを分離、その変動について検討中である。 2) MALDOの種差:雌ニホンザル肝ミクロソームより、9-アントラアルデヒドのMALDO活性の主要な分子種として、N末端アミノ酸配列から2Bサブファミリーに属することが推定されるP450JM-Cを精製した。 3) CYP2C29と高い相同性を有するcDNAのクローニング:CYP2C29をプローブとして、129/J系雄マウス肝のcDNAライブラリーから、全長1718bpのcDNAをクローニングした。その推定されるアミノ酸配列から、N末端側から2残基に相当する6bpを欠いたものであった。このcDNAのCYP2C29との比較では、7塩基の置換が認められ(相同性 99.5%)そのうちアミノ酸の置換は1残基(106Ile→104Met)のみであった。CYP2C29は、C57BL/6Jマウス肝のcDNAライブラリーよりクローニングされたことから、今回得られたクローンは系統の違いによるP450MUT-2のalleic variant(CYP2C29v)と推定された。 4) cDNAの発現:P450MUT-2(CYP2C29)cDNAの発現ベクター(pCMV4)組換え体を作製、その方向を制限酵素処理により確認した。現在も本研究は進行中であり、今後COS細胞に導入、その培養細胞を用いてMALDOの性質並びにその反応機構について検討する。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(C)
    Date (from‐to) : 1991 -1992 
    Author : 山本 郁男; 松永 民秀; 渡辺 和人
    Microsomal aldehyde oxygenasa(MALDO)の構造及び機能について検討を行い以下の結果を得た。1)P450MUT-2及びそのBrCN限定分解によって得られたペプチドのN末端アミノ酸配列を決定し、全配列の約1/5に相当する102個の配列を明らかにした。その配列は、ラットのCYP2C7に最も高い相同性(86.7%)が認められ、他にCYPs2C6(84.4%)及び2C11(78.9%)などIIC subfamilyに高い相同性を有する分子種であることがさらに明らかとなった。2)CYP2C7のcDNAをプローブとして129/J及びC57BL/6系雄マウス肝のcDNAライブラリィーをスクリーニングし、各々1.1×10^5及び4.5×10^4個のプラーク中99及び33個のポジティブなプラークの存在を認め、そのうちシグナルの強度が異なる10個についてpBluescriptにサブクローニングした。3)最もサイズの大きいクローン(約1.8kbp)につき一部シークエンスを行ったところ、CYP2C7に高い相同性をもっていたが、その塩基配列より推定されるアミノ酸配列がP450MUT‐2と完全に一致するものでなかったことから、P450MUT‐2類似の分子種であることが明らかとなった。4)MALDOの種差の検討を行い、モルモットより9‐anthraldehydeのMALDO活性において主要な役割を演じていると考えられるP450分子種(P450GPF‐A)を精製した。P450GPF‐AはP450MUT‐2と異なり、11‐O_‐△^8‐tetrahydrocannabinolのMALDO活性は全く認められず、N末端アミノ酸配列よりIIB subfamilyに属する分子種であることが推定された。5)マウス肝ミクロゾーム中にtolualdehydeに対するMALDOの存在を見いだし、その本体がP450MUT-2であることを明らかにした。6)第一級アミンが酸化的脱アミノ化反応により生成するアルデヒド中間体もMALDOの基質と成り得ることを見いだした。すなわち、メスカリンから生成する3,4,5‐trimethoxyphenylacetaldehydeがMALDO(P450MUT‐2)により、カルボン酸体へと酸化されることを明らかにした。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1990 -1990 
    Author : 松永 民秀
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 1989 -1990 
    Author : YAMAMOTO Ikuo; MATSUNAGA Tamihide; NARIMATSU Shizuo; WATANABE Kazuhito
    Hepatic microsomal enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids was characterized. The following results were obtained. 1) Microsomal aldehyde oxygenase (MALDO) in mouse liver catalyzed the oxidation of 9-anthraldehyde, cinnamic aldehyde, cuminaldehyde, myrtenal and 3-phenylpropionaldehyde. 2) A fluometric method for MALDO was established 9-anthraldehyde as a substrate. 3) A cytochrome P450 isozyme (P450 MUT-2) that catalyzes the oxidation 11-oxo-DELTA^8-tetrahydrocannabinol, 9ーanthraldehyde and cinnamic aldehyde was purified from hepatic microsomes of male ddN mice. 4) MALDO in mouse liver catalyzed the oxidation of aliphatic aldehydes. 5) Sex difference was observed in MALDO for 9-anthraldehyde in mouse liver. 6) P450 MUT-2 catalyzed the oxidation of tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinol and cannabidiol but not those of testosterone and lanosterol.

Media Coverage

  • 「知る『臓器チップ』開発加速」
    Date : 2019/02
    Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞
  • 「世界に先駆け、ヒトiPS細胞から医薬品開発に使える小腸モデルを作る!」
    Date : 2017/03
    Program, newspaper magazine: 科学新聞
  • 「iPS細胞を創薬研究に;吸収や毒性試験の小腸モデルへの利用」
    Date : 2017/03
    Program, newspaper magazine: 中部経済新聞
  • 「腸管上皮細胞誘導法名古屋市大から実施権の許諾iPSアカデミア」
    Date : 2012/07
    Program, newspaper magazine: 日刊工業新聞

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