Researchers Database

TANAKA Masahiko

    Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Cellular Biophysics Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/09/07

Researcher Information


Research funding number

  • 60267953


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • Enteric nervous system   Slice culture   Organ culture   glia   Purkinje cell   Imaging   Information processing system   Network formation   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
  • Life sciences / Experimental pathology
  • Life sciences / Pharmaceuticals - analytical and physicochemistry
  • Life sciences / Neuroscience - general
  • Life sciences / Neuroanatomy and physiology

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2007 - Today  Nagoya City UniversityDepartment of Cellular Biophysics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical SciencesAssociate Professor
  • 1998 - 2006  Fujita Health UniversityDivision of Cell Biology, Institute for Comprehensive Medical ScienceLecturer
  • 2006  Nagoya City UniversityGraduate School of Pharmaceutical SciencesAssociate Professor
  • 1994 - 1998  Fujita Health UniversityDivision of Cell Biology, Institute for Comprehensive Medical ScienceAssistant Professor
  • 1996/06 - 1996/08  Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, MA, USA)“Physiology: Cellular and Molecular Biology” course


  • 1989 - 1994  The University of Tokyo  Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences  Division of Biophysical Science
  • 1985 - 1989  The University of Tokyo  Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences  Division of Biophysical Science

Association Memberships

  • Molecular Biology Society of Japan   Pharmaceuitical Society of Japan   Biophysical Society of Japan   Society for Neuroscience   Japanese Society for Neurochemistry   Japan Neuroscience Society   

Published Papers

Books etc

  • Single-cell electroporation of siRNA in primary neuronal cultures
    Springer, New York 2012 
    In: Controlled Genetic Manipulations (Morozov ed.), Neuromethods, Volume 65, pp. 129-139
  • Role of a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan PTPz in dendrite development of cerebellar Purkinje cells
    Research Signpost, Kerala, India 2007 
    In: Neural Proteoglycans (Maeda ed.), pp. 153-166


Awards & Honors

  • 2001/10 日本神経化学会 Aword for Young Investigator of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry

Research Grants & Projects

  • Roles of calcineurin and cell interactions in enteric glial cells and hepatic stellate cells
    Date (from‐to) : 2019 -2021 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • Roles of enteric glial cells and calcineurin in the function and homeostasis of the small intestine
    Date (from‐to) : 2016 -2018 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • Investigation of mechanisms of dendritic differentiation of cerebellar Purkinje cells mediated by ryanodine receptors
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2015 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • Analysis of molecular mechanisms of formation of complex and organized dendrites by cerebellar Purkinje cells
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • 神経幹細胞の最終細胞分裂に及ぼす細胞内外因子の効果
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : MARUNOUCHI Tohru
  • PTPz及びバーグマン・グリア細胞によるプルキンエ細胞樹状突起の形態形成制御機構
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • 切片培養系を用いた小脳形成における生細胞動的観察系の開発と応用
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • Analyses of Notch2 function in vertebrate neural development
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : KADOKAWA Yuzo
  • Involvement and activation of ICE family proteases in apoptosis of cerebellar granule neurons
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -1998 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko
  • Developmental stage-specific mechanisms of neuronal cell death in rat cerebellum
    Date (from‐to) : 1996 -1996 
    Author : TANAKA Masahiko

Committee Membership

  • 2003/10 - Today   The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry   Councilor

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