Researchers Database

SAKAWA Hideaki

    Graduate School of Economics Department of Management Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/09/20

Researcher Information

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 財務会計   証券市場分析   企業金融   企業統治   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Accounting

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2017/09 - 2018/09  Columbia Business SchoolCJEBFulbright Visiting Scholar
  • 2013-2014 金融庁金融研究センター特別研究員
  • 2013-名古屋市立大学大学院経済学研究科准教授
  • 2011-2012 テンプル大学Fox School of Business 客員研究員
  • 2009-2013 名古屋市立大学大学院経済学研究科 講師
  • 2007-2009 大阪大学社会経済研究所 特任研究員

Association Memberships

  • 行動経済学会   日本ファイナンス学会   日本金融学会   日本経済学会   

Published Papers

Books etc

  • Bank Risk-taking and the Board of Directors Role: Evidence from Japan, Co-author: N. Watanabel, Eds: E. Klein, Corporate Governance: Principles, Practices and Challenges
    Nova Science Publishers 2016 9781634849715
  • 金融自由化で日本の証券市場はどう変わったか-市場流動性とマーケット・マイクロストラクチャー分析-、渡辺直樹氏との共著
    ミネルヴァ書房 2016 9784623076079
  • 自然・社会科学者のための英文Eメールの書き方
    朝倉書店 2012
  • Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings in Japan: In Zattoni and Judge (Eds) Corporate Governance and Initial Pubic Offerings; An International Perspective
    Cambridge University Press 2012 9781139061513
  • Essays on Asymmetric Information Problems: Economic Analysis of Bubble and Corporate Governance
    VDM-Verlag 2009 9783639106015

Conference Activities & Talks

  • Internationalization and Management Forecasts in Japanese Multinational Enterprises  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel; Junjian Gu
    Euro-Asia Management Studies Association  2022/10
  • Internationalization and Mandatory Management Forecasts in Japanese MNEs  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel; Junjian Gu
    Association of Japanese Business Studies  2022/07
  • Voluntary Adoption of International Accounting Standards by Internationalization: Evidence from Japanese Multi-National Entities  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel; Junjian Gu
    American Accounting Association  2021/08
  • The Internationalization and Voluntary Adoption of International Accounting Standards by Japanese multinational enterprises  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel; Junjian Gu
    Association of Japanese Business Studies  2021/06
  • Accounting Frauds and Main Bank Relationship in Japanese listed firms  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel; Junjian Gu
    European Accounting Association  2021/05
  • Main Bank Relationship and Risk-taking in Japanese Listed Firms  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel
    Australian Finance and Banking Conference  2019/12
  • The Internationalization and Voluntary Adoption of International Accounting Standards of MNEs,  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel
    Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM)  2019/12
  • Main Bank Relationship and Risk-taking in Japanese Listed Firms  [Not invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa
    International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS)  2019/10
  • Main Bank Relationship and Risk-taking in Japanese Listed Firms  [Invited]
    Hideaki Sakawa; Naoki Watanabel
    Global Finance Seminar, SOAS  2019/10
  • Institutional Ownership and Corporate Risk-Taking in Japanese Listed Firms  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    Asian Finance Association Annual Conference  2019/07
  • Family Control and Corporate Innovation in Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    Association of Japanese Business Studies Annual Conference  2019/06
  • Institutional Institutional Ownership and Firm Performance in Stakeholder Oriented Corporate Governance  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    Association of Japanese Business Studies Annual Conference  2019/06
  • Family Control and Corporate Innovation in Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management International(ANZAM) Annual Conference  2018/12
  • Does Institutional Ownership Matter in Stakeholder-oriented Corporate Governance?  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues Annual Meetings  2018/11
  • Family Control and Ownership Monitoring in Stakeholder-oriented Corporate Governance  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    4th Conference of International Corporate Governance Society  2018/10
  • Main Bank Relationship and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    American Accounting Association Annual Meetings  2018/08
  • Ownership Stability, Research and Development Intensity and Performance: Evidence from Japanese Listed Firms  [Not invited]
    Duppati G
    3rd Conference of International Corporate Governance Society  2017/09
  • Earnings Management and Internal Control in Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    American Accounting Association Annual Conference  2017/08
  • Bank Risk-taking and the Role of Board of Directors: Evidence from Japan  [Invited]
    日本金融学会中部部会  2017/03
  • Bank Risk-taking and the Role of Board of Directors: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    International Conference on Business and Information 2016  2016/07
  • Earnings Management and Main Bank Monitoring: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    SAKAWA Hideaki
    2015 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association  2015/03
  • Bank Ownership Monitoring and Parent Company Control in Publicly Listed Firms in Japan  [Not invited]
    2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Japanese Business Studies  2015
  • Activity, Time, and Subjective Happiness: An Analysis Based on an Hourly Web Survey  [Not invited]
    行動経済学会  2014
  • Market Liquidity and Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    2014 Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association  2014
  • Board Structures and Performance in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Japanese Business Studies  2014
  • Parent Company Control and Bank Monitoring: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Project Development Workshop of Annual Meeting of the Academy of Japanese Business Studies,  2014
  • Earnings Management and Main Bank Monitoring: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    26th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues  2014
  • Market Liquidity and Bank-dominated Corporate Governance  [Not invited]
    坂和秀晃; 渡辺直樹
    日本金融学会秋季大会  2013/09
  • Market Liquidity andBank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Academy of International Business Annual Meetings  2013
  • IPO Underpricing and Bank-centererd Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Annual Meetings of Association of Japanese Business Studies  2013
  • Corporate Board Structures and Performance in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    JCAE 2013 Symposium  2013
  • Market Liquidity and Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    大阪証券取引所寄付部門ワークショップ「証券市場の諸問題  2013
  • Market Liquidity and Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Midwest Finance Associaion Annual Meeting  2013
  • Relation between Top Executive Compensation Structure and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japanese Public Disclosed Data  [Not invited]
    Midwest Finance Associaion Annual Meeting  2012
  • Relation between Top Executive Compensation Structure and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japanese Public Disclosed Data  [Not invited]
    Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meetings  2012
  • Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings:Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    AJBS-PDW Annual Conference  2012
  • Market Liquidity and Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    CGIR-Cambridge International Conference on National Governance Bundles  2012
  • Market Liquidity and Bank-dominated Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Asian Academy of Accounting Association Annual Meeting  2012
  • Auditor Committee Formation and Corporate Governance Mechanisms: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    日本経営財務研究学会全国大会  2011
  • Corporate Board Structures and Performance in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Midwest Finance Associaion Annual Meeting  2011
  • Corporate Board Structures and Performance in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Academy of International Business Annual Meetings  2011
  • 証券市場の透明性と東京証券取引所の改革日本経営財務学会西日本部会  [Not invited]
    日本経営財務研究学会西日本部会  2010
  • 証券市場の透明性と東京証券取引所の改革  [Not invited]
    日本ファイナンス学会年次大会  2010
  • Corporate Board Structures and Performance in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings  2010
  • Corporate Board Structures and Performance in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Corporate Governance and Glonal Financial Crisis International Conference  2010
  • An Empirical Investigation of Executive Compensation and Business Performance in Japan: The Role of Bank-appointed Monitors  [Not invited]
    Intenational Conference on Socio-network Strategy  2009
  • Does Pre-trade Transparency Affect Market Quality in the Tokyo Stock Exchange?  [Not invited]
    Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings  2009
  • Auditor Committee Formation and Corporate Governance Mechanisms: Evidence from Japan  [Not invited]
    Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues  2009
  • Executive Compensation and Firm Performance in Japan: The Role of Bank-appointed Monitors  [Not invited]
    日本金融学会全国大会  2008
  • Managerial Compensation, Corporate Governance, and Business Performance in Japan: Evidence Using Micro Data  [Not invited]
    Asian Finance Association/Nippon Finance Association Annual Conference  2008
  • Executive Compensation and Firm Performance in Japan: The Role of Bank-appointed Monitors  [Not invited]
    日本経営財務研究学会年次大会  2008
  • Managerial Compensation, Corporate Governance, and Business Performance inJapan: Evidence Using Micro Data  [Not invited]
    Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues  2008
  • The Relationship between Managerial Compensation and Business Performance in Japan: New Evidence Using Micro Data  [Not invited]
    East Asian Economic Association Bi-Annual Meetings  2008
  • The Relationship between Managerial Compensation and Business Performance in Japan : New Evidence using Micro Data”  [Not invited]
    日本ファイナンス学会年次大会  2007
  • 商法改正は取締役会のモニタリング機能を高めるか?: 法律学、経済学の観点からの検証  [Not invited]
    法と経済学会年次大会  2007
  • The Relationship between Managerial Compensation and Business Performance in Japan: New Evidence Using Micro Data  [Not invited]
    Ph. D. Consoritium of FMA/Asian FA Joint Conference  2007
  • Managerial Compensation, CorporateGovernance, and Business Performance in Japan: Evidence Using New Micro Data  [Not invited]
    日本経済学会春季大会  2007
  • コーポレートガバナンスと常務会の報酬、企業業績の関係  [Not invited]
    日本金融学会全国大会  2006
  • 注文駆動型市場におけるIR活動のスプレッド要因への影響  [Not invited]
    日本ファイナンス学会年次大会  2006
  • 裁定者とノイズトレーダの存在する市場におけるマーケットメーカーの価格改定  [Not invited]
    日本経済学会秋季大会  2005


Awards & Honors

  • 2020/09 2020 All Japan Finance PBFJ Shark Tank Pitch Event 1st Runner-Up Presentation Award
     Internationalization and Mandatory Management Forecasts: Evidence from Japanese MNEs 
    受賞者: Hideaki Sakawa;Naoki Watanabel;Junjian Gu
  • 2018/06 Association of Japanese Business Studies Finalist for Best Paper
    受賞者: SAKAWA Hideaki
  • 2018/04 BEFB Conference Best Paper Award
    受賞者: 坂和 秀晃
  • 2016 BAI 2016 Best Paper Awards
  • 2015 行動経済学会研究奨励賞
  • 2014 Osaka Bankers Association - Special Award
  • 2011 大阪銀行協会フォーラム特別賞
  • 2008 大阪銀行協会フォーラム特別賞

Research Grants & Projects

  • 企業の国際化とコーポレート・ガバナンスの変遷:実証的課題の解明
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2026/03
  • 会計不正を防ぐための企業統治の仕組みの解明
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2021/03 
    Author : 坂和秀晃
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/07 -2020/03 
    Author : Watanabel Naoki
    Japanese corporate governance systems are regarded as bank-centered system which is different from market-based systems such as the U.S. and U.K. We analyzed the effects of the banking system on mitigating information asymmetry in securities markets, accounting conservatism, and discretionary earrings management. In recent years, corporate governance reforms such as the introduction of the stewardship code and independent directors are advancing in response to the overseas expansion of companies and the increase of foreign shareholders. This research project analyses the effect of foreign investors and institutional investors on corporate performance.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Watanabel Naoki
    In this research, we analyze the impact of natural disasters from various perspectives, such as market liquidity and corporate financial data. Considering the versatility and reliability of the data, our project focuses on companies which listed on the securities market. Our study showed that the impact on market liquidity varies depending on the size of the company. These results suggest that the impact on listed companies belonging to SMEs may become serious.
  • 主観的幸福度の決定要因の解明:リアルタイム幸福度データによる検証
    Date (from‐to) : 2014 -2016 
    Author : 坂和秀晃
  • 日本の企業統治と取締役会の機能について
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : 坂和秀晃

Committee Membership

  • 2022/01 - Today   Asian Academy Management Journal of Accounting and Finance   Associate Editor
  • 2021/09 - Today   Sustainability   Topic Editorial Board Member

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