Researchers Database

AOKI Takayoshi

    Graduate School of Design and Architecture Architecture and Urban Design Professor
Last Updated :2024/07/03

Researcher Information


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • historical buildings   調査・診断   structural analysis   dynamic characterization   構造ヘルスモニタリング   existing buildings   

Research Areas

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Building structures and materials
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Structural and seismic engineering
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural history and design

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2023/02 - Today  Nagoya City UniversityGraduate School of Design and ArchitectureDean
  • 2011/04 - Today  Nagoya City University大学院芸術工学研究科教授
  • 2007/04 - 2011/03  Nagoya City University大学院芸術工学研究科准教授
  • 2002/04 - 2007/03  Nagoya City University大学院芸術工学研究科助教授
  • 1998/04 - 2002/03  Nagoya City University芸術工学部助教授
  • 1997/04 - 1998/03  Nagoya City University芸術工学部講師
  • 1994/04 - 1997/03  宮城工業高等専門学校建築学科講師
  • 1993/04 - 1994/03  Nagasaki University大学院海洋生産科学研究科助手
  • 1988/04 - 1993/03  Nagasaki University工学部構造工学科助手


  • 1986/04 - 1988/03  The University of Tokyo  The Graduate School of Engineering  建築学専攻
  • 1986/10 - 1987/09  University of Florence  Faculty of Architecture
  • 1984/04 - 1986/03  Toyohashi University of Technology  Graduate School of Engineering  建設工学専攻
  •        - 1984/03  Toyohashi University of Technology  Faculty of Engineering  建設工学

Association Memberships

  • 日本実験力学会   国際シェル空間構造学会(IASS)   芸術工学会   日本コンクリート工学協会   日本建築学会   

Published Papers

Books etc

Conference Activities & Talks


Industrial Property Rights

Awards & Honors

  • 2021/08 日本建築学会 Japan Architectural Review Best Papar Award
     Optimal structural restoration of historic building in Japan considering lifecycle seismic loss analysis 
    受賞者: 髙橋典之;片貝勇介;青木孝義
  • 2014 Best Paper Award
  • 2009 First Honourable Mention H.W.H (Timber) West Best Paper Award
  • 1998 日本コンクリート工学協会賞(奨励賞)
  • 1997 日本コンクリート工学協会優秀講演賞

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 西澤 泰彦; 永井 康雄; 砂本 文彦; 青木 孝義; 小松 尚; 角 哲; 湯澤 規子; 服部 亜由未; 橋寺 知子; 安野 彰
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 青木 孝義; 張 景耀; 神沼 英里
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/10 -2025/03 
    Author : 青木 孝義
    本研究は、2009年と2016年に発生したイタリア中部地震、2012年に発生した北部地震により被害を受けた被災地をテストフィールドとして、現地の構造工学、地盤工学、建築保存学、建築構法の研究者と協働して調査研究を実施することで、土や煉瓦、石を建築材料とする脆弱な建築(伝統住宅や文化遺産建築)の保存再生のための非破壊・微破壊検査法の確立、解析法と最適設計法を取り入れた保存再生法に関する提案を探ることを目的としている。 R3年度は、新型コロナウィルス感染症の影響により渡航できなかったため、一部対面、一部オンラインによる打合せを行いながらテストフィールドでの調査・実験を除く以下の研究課題を実施した。 ①日本で開発してきた各種微破壊検査技術(版築圧縮強度推定法、煉瓦簡易吸水法、小径ドリル型削孔試験機による煉瓦、石、目地の強度・劣化推定)の実験室実験により改良を進めた。②3Dレーザースキャナやフォトグラメトリーによる3次元モデル化を行った。③イタリア北部地震後に実施している世界遺産であるモデナ大聖堂とギルランディーナの塔の、中部地震後に実施している被災建物のモニタリング結果の分析を行った。④煉瓦や石の外観を変えない補修方法の検討のため、劣化環境再現装置を購入して実験を行い、親水性樹脂による凍害に対する補修および予防の有効性を確認した。⑤過去の実験結果が再現できる数値解析法の開発、最適化手法を用いた引張力に弱い土や煉瓦、石を建築材料とする脆弱な建築を安全にするための新たな技術開発に着手した。また、R4年3月に開催された非破壊検査協会のシンポジウムで、「歴史的建造物の非破壊検査はどうすすめるか」に関するPDを行った。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 木村 俊明; 青木 孝義
    本研究は自由曲面ラチスシェル屋根構造物を対象とし,高耐震性能と省資源を両立させるシェル形状の設計法の構築を目的としている。本年度は省資源化可能な形状最適化法の構築を主目的として研究を実施した。 構築した最適化手法では,ラチスシェル屋根の形状をNURBS曲面でモデル化し,NURBS曲面の曲率を評価指標としてクラスタリングを行う。また,クラスタリングしたデータセットの偏差の最大値とひずみエネルギーの最小化を目的とした多目的最適化問題を定式化し,クラスタリング数に応じた接合部のパターンの形状を求めている。本年度の研究にて,単純なシェル屋根を例題として数値解析を行い,得られる解の特徴を考察し,有効性を検証している。 一般的にラチスシェルの形状最適化を行った場合,節点で取りつく部材角度が様々となる。実際の建設を想定すると,節点の制作難易度が上がり,コストが増大する傾向にある。本研究にて,形状の他に,節点の接合パターンを導出する必要があることを示した。さらに,本手法により,ラチスシェル節点の接合角をパターン化したシェル形状が導出可能となった。今後,手法の高度化を図ることにより,施工性の改善等が期待でき,省資源化につながることが期待される。
  • Evaluation and Mitigation of Seismic Risk for Composite Masonry Buildings in Bhutan
    Date (from‐to) : 2016 -2022 
    Author : AOKI Takayoshi
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/05 -2021/03 
    Based on the investigation studies on historical structures in Japan and overseas, we have clarified the technologies essential for their authenticity. In particular, we constructed a 3D maintenance management system using optical measurements; Moreover, we developed a method for non-contact evaluation of the corrosion status inside RC members; Furthermore, we standardized the NDT and MDT such as drill as NDIS 3433. Upon clarification of material deterioration especially caused by salt deposition from the measurement of the environment, moisture state, and salt analysis, we proposed an effective repair method based on the exposure test and accelerated weathering test, using deterioration suppressing materials and surface protection measures. For selecting the optimum structural reinforcement procedure, we developed an earthquake risk analysis method based on economic performance evaluation considering the accumulation of damage throughout the life cycle, and presented the guidelines.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 青木 孝義; 湯淺 昇; 岸本 一蔵; 濱崎 仁; 丸山 一平; 高橋 典之; 松井 智哉; 張 景耀
    ヨーロッパには、組積造やコンクリート造、鉄筋コンクリート造の文化遺産建築が数多く残っているが、材料の経年劣化や地震(古くは1755年のリスボン地震、近年では2009年と2016年のイタリア中部地震、2011年のスペイン南部地震)などの要因により、その構造的安定性が脅かされている。 本研究は、これら文化遺産建築を保護(予防保全)することを最終目的に、イタリア、スペイン、ポルトガルの研究者と北地中海地域における文化遺産建築を対象に、1)各種非破壊・微破壊検査技術適用による材料劣化調査と構造・振動調査、2)地震被害調査および被災地域における復興調査を実施し、3)温度、ひび割れ、傾斜や振動のモニタリングにより補強途中における構造的安定性と補強後の補強効果を検証することにより、4)文化遺産建築の有効な修復・補強方法、地震によるリスクから文化遺産建築を保護する方法、について調査・研究することを目的としている。 研究課題採択後、イタリア、スペイン、ポルトガルの研究者と、北地中海地域における具体的な調査研究対象文化遺産建築の選定と、具体的な調査に向けての最終調整をE-mailで行う一方で、国内の建築材料、建築構造の研究者で、具体的な調査時期、調査方針と調査項目に関する研究打合せを実施した。また、長期的な調査方針と調査時期に関する打合せを実施した。 しかし、基盤研究(S)の交付内定があったため、本研究課題はこの段階で廃止となった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/04 -2014/03 
    Author : AOKI Takayoshi; TANIGAWA Yasuo; NAKANO Yoshiaki; YUASA Noboru; KISHIMOTO Ichizo; MARUYAMA Ippei; TAKAHASHI Noriyuki; MATSUI Tomoya; HAMASAKI Hitoshi; SAKUTA Joji; OKUDA Koichiro
    To develop a definitive guideline for the evaluation and mitigation of seismic risk to heritage buildings, heritage buildings damaged in the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake in central Italy were investigated. Based on the investigation, the damage situation and necessary emergency measures were systematically categorized. The effect of strengthening work on heritage buildings by using reinforced concrete, undertaken since the 1970s, could not be verified. This finding shows that the structural health monitoring of heritage buildings should be performed not only to ensure structural stability before and during the strengthening work, but also to verify the strengthening effect after completion. In addition, based on investigations of similar heritage buildings inside and outside of Italy, integrated knowledge-based approaches were developed for the restoration, strengthening, and protection of heritage buildings from seismic risk.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2008 
    Author : MATSUDA Hiroshi; MORITA Chihiro; NAKAMURA Shozo; SAIMOTO Akihide; MORIYAMA Masao; HUANG Mei; YAMSHITA Tsutomu; OKUMATSU Toshihiro; HARADA Tetsuo; SAGAWA Yasutaka; YAMAGUCHI Kohei; ICHIMIYA Kazuo; ITO Yukihiro; GODA Hiroki; SOEDA Masashi; UCHINO Masakazu; AOKI Takayoshi; OKAMOTO Takuji; MIYAMOTO Noriyuki; TAKAHASHI Yoichi; HIDA Kenichi; KAWAMURA Junichi; HARADA Koji; TIMOTHY Nyomboi; ZHAO Cheng; ANDOH Yuki
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : AOKI Takayoshi; TANIGAWA Yasuo; NAKANO Yoshiaki; SAKAGAMI Takahide; YUASA Noboru; TAKAHASHI Noriyuki; HAMASAKI Hitoshi; MIZOGUCHI Akinori; NAGAYAMA Masaru
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : YUASA Noboru; MATSUI Isamu; MOROHASHI Noritaka; AOKI Takayoshi; HAMASAKI Hitoshi
    The research results obtained during 2-year trusted period are as follows. (1)Inspection of the former No.5 school building was executed intensively from 18 August 2004 to 30 Octeber 2004. More than 500 cores and two full-scale beams were sampled, and carbonation depth and corrosion of steel reinforcement were observed over the entire building by partial breaking of the structure. The inspection team comprising more than 100 researchers form 20 institutions compared various non/mini-destructive testing method, some were under developing, with the destructive test results. Supplementing the comparative study, relationship between non/mini-destructive test results in the laboratory and quality of various types of concrete were studied. (2)Core samples were tested and analyzed in terms of strength, mix proportions (unit cement content, unit water content and water-cement ratio) and durability (pore structure, carbonation resistance, chloride ion content and freeze/thaw resistance). These results were compared with those of the visual inspection. Microorganisms sampled form the outer walls were incubated and identified. (3)Microtremors of the demolished building were recorded during coring and partial breaking and the vibration mode was identified. Decisive factor affecting the microtremor was the removal of mass due to the withdrawal of fixtures and the effect of coring and partial breaking was not significant. This could be a good lesson for the future studies. (4)Two full-scale beams were sampled and subjected to a bending test. Structural performance of the structure was estimated from the fracture mode of the beam. The fracture mode was a bond failure reflecting the conditions of a structural member made on site. (5)Quality of concrete used in the construction of the new school building was also tested. Outdoor exposure tests have started using concrete specimens with different cement type, water-cement ratio and drying initiation period. A remote data acquisition system was taken into account to adopt the outdoor exposure tests apart from our laboratory.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : TANIGAWA Yasuo; AOKI Takayoshi; KUROKAWA Yoshiyuki
    The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1.Study on Various Non-Destructive Testing Methods (1)Windsor Pin Penetration Method : The equations expressing the relationship between penetration resistance of Windsor pin and compressive strength of brick, cement mortar and slaked lime mortar which was used in many historical brick structures in Europe were proposed based on a wide range of experiments. (2)Electromagnetic Radar Method : The method for improving internal image obtained by electromagnetic radar apparatus was proposed by using the analytical method developed by the authors based on the finite difference time domain method. (3)Infrared Thermography Method : The method for eliminating the effects of surface color and surface roughness on thermographic image by considering color parameters and absorption rate of sunlight, and the method for improving thermographic image obtained by artificial light by using the distribution of illumination measured by digital camera were proposed. (4)Method for Estimating Mechanical Characteristics of Mortar by Surface Color : The relationships between surface color and water content, mix proportion, age, mechanical characteristics of mortar such as strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity were investigated, and it was clarified that there is a comparative correlation between color, water content, mix proportion and mechanical properties. (5)Method for Estimating Surface Strength by Anchoring of Drill : Correlation curves for estimating the surface strength of mortar and terracotta by using the drill-anchoring apparatus developed by the authors. 2.Study on Applicability of Non-Destructive Testing Methods to Diagnosis of Historical Buildings Non-destructive testing methods mentioned above were applied to the diagnosis of deterioration of historical buildings such as the Sanctuary of Vicoforte (constructed at 1750, brick structure, national treasure of Italy), a hanger of airship (constructed at 1919, reinforced concrete structure, national treasure of Italy), the Rakanji bridge (constructed at 1920, stone structure, Oita Prefecture), brick chimneys (Aichi Prefecture), a building of Nihon University (constructed at 1971, reinforced concrete structure, Chiba Prefecture) etc., and the applicability of these non-destructive testing methods was confirmed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2003 
    Author : AOKI Takayoshi; YUASA Noboru; KOMIYAMA Tatsuhito; TANIGAWA Yasuo; HAMASAKI Hitoshi
    The objectives of this study are a)diagnaostic inspection of deterioration of the Sanctuary of Vicoforte and some related historical structures by visual observation and non-destructive tests, b)structural and dynamic investigation, and c)interpretation of the static and dynamic behaviors of the dome by FEM. This work is a part of the surveying project "Vicoforte 2002-2006" as a joint research between Japanese and Italian scholars of Politecnico di Torino. 1.Delamination of stone finishing and fresco painting are detected by visual observation and Radiation Thermometer. 2.The thickness of the main dome and vaults are estimated by Electromagnetic Radar. 3.Impact Echo Scanner is applied to estimate the continuity of iron ties embedded at the base of the main dome and they are probably continuous. 4.Concrete Test Hammer, Scratch Tester, Simple water absorption test, Windsor Pin System are applied to estimate the compressive strength and Young's modulus of the brick and the mortar. Estimation of durability for the brick and the stone by Freezing and thawing method are also applied. 5.From the microtremor measurement, the fundamental frequency of the dome is estimated. 6.The load bearing mechanism and crack pattern of the structure are clarified by FEA. 7.Non-destructive tests are applied to diagnostic inspection of deterioration of the chapel of Sindone and airship Hangar and from the microtremor measurement, the fundamental frequencies are estimated. 8.Monitoring of temperature, inclination of the wall, cracks, and tension of the wire of he Hangar are started. 9.Diagnostic inspection of deterioration of Rakanji stone arch bridge, Oita, and the brick chimneys, Tokoname, are carried out and from the dynamic test, natural frequencies and modes are estimated. Earthquake resistance efficiency of the brick chimneys is evaluated. Dynamic test of the traditional timber temples are also carried out and their dynamic characteristics are clarified.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -1998 
    Author : YANAGISAWA Makoto; SHIDA Kouji; AOKI Takayoshi; TAKADA Toyofumi; KOHAMA Yoshiro; MIYAMURA Atsunori
    The result of the first research year is summarized as follows. Planning method of medical architectural facility requires an optimal layout by means of an indexing parameter of closeness, which should be evaluated by practical investigation. Consequently, it is necessary to establish the database, which can be trpnsformed into the knowledge-base subsequently, from such practical examples whose lay-out or plan, its dimensions, dynamic parameters of customers, and others are included, where rather ambiguous data should be described by means of fazzy expressions. Application of such idea is carried out to architectural layout problem by means of the neural network method to search for its optimal solution. Then basic formulation on the fazzy constraints of such a layout problem is proposed with some of numerical examples, then, vvith further theoretical extension to practical medical facilities. When specified to an optimal layout of linear system, Voronoi theory can be applied, and some practical examples are compared to numerical results with considerable accordance between them. Regarding structural evaluation of safety against strong earthquakes, our emphasis is focused on the optimal allocation of shear elements against torsional moment about a vertical axis due to strong earthquakes in a 3D frame, which is important, particularly, from the view of architectural constraints. This can be described as a typical combinatorial optimality, and theoretical formulation is accomplished. Among various solution techniques, the branch-and-bound method with heuristics can fulfill prominently the goal allocation, which is numerically supported a series of 3D frame such as 8 story frames. The second research year was devoted to extension of the results of the first year theoretically and numerically. The optimal allocation of shear element at a 3D frame is discussed with further architectural constraints together with construction and structural ones. The other solution techniques such as the genetic algorithm or the alpha-beta method are applied and compared to one another through numerical simulation.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1997 
    Author : AOKI Takayoshi; ITO Norio; KADOYA Terunori
    The results of this study are as follows : 1)The estimation of the propotion of mortar which is used for Hagia Sophia is river sand 2, slaked lime 1, brick 2/3, at the capacity ratio the histroical records in the 1st century B.C.and the 15th century. 2)Compressive strength of mortar depends on the slaked lime quantity. It was possible to know that the bending strength and the tensile strrength were about 1/2, about 1/10 of compressive strength. As for dynamic modulus of elasticity of mortar had 2-4.2*10^3 N/mm^2, it was about 1/10-1/15 of the young's modulus of concerte. And the dynamic modulus of elasticity could be seen by the result of analysis for minaret. 3)It is conspicuous that a specific gravity and the dynamic modulus of elasticity increase distiguishedly with the slaked lime mortar under the environment with 5% of CO^2 concentration. The compressive strength of mortar when asselerated carbonization curing was about 2.3-3.6 times, the tesile strength was about 1.7-3.4 times and the dynamic modulus of elasticity was about 1.8-2.7 times of values. These values were high and also it found that the tensile strength was about 1/8-1/12 of the compressive strength. 4)Mortar with carbonization was delayd by degradation distinguishedly with the mortar which was sprayd with sulfuric acid with 10% of mole concentration and hydrochloric acid. 5)The result of freezing and thawing examination showed that the mortar with carbonization was excellent in frost damage resistance when making temperature setting from +5 to -5゚C. 6)The most important countermeasure is humid elimination from a point of view of environmental engineering. Humidity in space causes deterioration of building material through dew condensation. The moisture air from the human dody is the main source. It probably stays to the space upper part. Ventilation caused by buoyancy is much expected to motive power of exhaust, because it is not needed to energy consumption. In cool season (involving winer), it seems nessesary to use together of machine dehumidification for safety. In order to influence dust adhesion, a dew condensation check becomes activity, it is expected to use of dust elimi-native machine and goods (ex.air-shower, dust eliminating mat・・・). 7)The judgment of strength of Hagia Sophia is difficult, because sampling investigation is prohibited about a Young's modulus, the material strenght of the existing cathedral and so on. Young's modulus and material strength was estimated by the study, the spot investigation result, microtremor results and the experiment result. When the ground motion accelration was 80-100Gal, Hagia Sophia was safe in the directionof east-west and north-south respectively and is prodent in the structure analysis which inflicted a level load. In case of 300-400Gal, it reveals a dangerous situation. 8)In the middle of the crossing arch across the east side and west side, destruction may be caused by the occurring hinge, therefore, the arch needs reinforcement.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 -1996 
    Author : HIDAKA Kenichiro; IZMIRLIGIL Ulku; AHUNBAY Metin; AOKI Takayoshi; ISHIKAWA Kohichiro; KIMATA Motokazu; KAWABE Yasuhiro; NAKAI Izumi; SATO Tatsuki; KATO Shiro; SAKAMOTO Jun; TANIGAWA Yasuo; AHUBAY Zeynep
    The subjects of the present research are : 1) the accurate documentation of the deterioration of the Hagia Sophia, 2) non-destructive examination of the masonry, and 3) long-term monitoring of the monument. The data obtained through the research should be integrated into a future restoration program of the Hagia Sophia. The documentation of the building includes : a) photogramtric survey of the upper structure (the central dome, the adjacent semi-domes, the four great arches and pendentives, the northern and southern tympana), b) the measuring of the inclination of four great piers and of the deformation of the four great arches, and c) detailed recording of the deterioration of the inner surface of the central dome. The result of the photogram metry has been summarized as a series of contour maps of the inner spheres, given as both graphical representation and digitized coordinate data. For the direct measurement of the uppermost point in the intrados of the great arches, a special portable equipment was invented. The three-dimensional inclination of the piers was measured on three vertical levels ; ground floor, gallery and the second cornice. The recording of the deterioration includes a series of detailed sketches of the basic parts of the forty ribs as well. The ceramic tubes inserted radially into the dome shell were also examined carefully, the results of which has been already published. For the non-destructive survey of the masonry, the radar detective machine, the metal detector, and the endoscope were applied. The thermal images of the upper surface were taken through the infra-red thermal recorder. The images clearly show the rain penetration. The monitoring system consists of 50 thermometers, 26 thermo-hydrometers and 25 displacement gauges. The data are automatically recorded six times per day. The data processing is now going on and the result will surely consists a fundamental basis for the future restoration program of the Hagia Sophia.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1995 
    Author : 青木孝義
    本研究は、トルコのイスタンブールにあるハギア・ソフィア大聖堂を対象に設定し、1)常時微動測定結果に基づく大聖堂全体の振動特性の分析と調査結果のデータベース化、2)弾塑性シェル要素および立体要素を用いた固有値解析、地震応答解析プログラムの開発と有限要素法による静的・動的構造解析システムの構築、3)数値解析モデルの設定、4)目地(モルタル)を含んだレンガ、石のヤング係数の同定、5)水平荷重時の大聖堂の弾塑性解析を行った。以下にその成果を示す。 1.常時微動測定結果と有限要素法による固有値解析結果の比較より同定された目地(モルタル)を含むレンガと石のヤング係数はそれぞれコンクリートのヤング係数の約1/8〜1/3で、このヤング係数は消石灰モルタルの実験から得られた動弾性係数と良い一致をみた。 2.地動加速度が80〜100Gal程度に相当する中規模地震に対する日本の一次設計(許容応力度設計)用地震力の層せん断力係数は、トルコの耐震設計基準によればイスタンブールに立つ組積造建築物の場合0.18となる。自重+水平荷重を加えた構造解析を行った結果、大聖堂は東西・南北両方向とも中規模地震に対しては安全であることが分かった。 3.地動加速度が300〜400Gal程度に相当する大規模地震に対する日本の二次設計(保有水平耐力の検討)用地震力の標準せん断力係数が一次設計の5倍であることを考慮すると、自重+水平荷重を加えた構造解析を行った結果、大聖堂は東西・南北両方向とも大規模地震に対しては危険であることが分かった。 4.自重+水平荷重を加えた構造解析結果より、バットレスを含む南北方向の方が半ドームを含む東西方向より水平荷重に対して耐力があることが分かった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1994 -1994 
    Author : 青木孝義
    本研究は、トルコのイスタンブールにあるハギア・ソフィア大聖堂を対象に設定し、1)常時微動測定結果に基づく大聖堂全体の振動特性の分析と調査結果のデータベース化、2)弾塑性シェル要素および立体要素を用いた固有値解析、地震応答解析プログラムの開発と有限要素法による静的・動的構造解析システムの構築、3)数値解析モデルの設定、4)目地(モルタル)を含んだレンガ、石のヤング係数の同定、5)静的および弾性地震応答解析を行った。以下にその成果を示す。 1.ミナレットの固有振動数が約1Hzであることをあきらかにし、常時微動測定結果と有限要素法による固有値解析結果の比較により、目地(モルタル)を含むレンガと石のヤング係数を同定するとともに、弾性地震応答解析により崩壊最小加速度が中震に相当する20から31galの間にあることをあきらかにした。 2.固有値解析により中央のメインドームの固有振動数を約10Hzと推定した。 3.中央のメインドームの荷重が東西方向では半ドームを介してセカンダリ-ピアへ、南北方向ではダブルアーチ、ペンディンティブを介してメインピアとバットレスピアへ流れていることをあきらかにした。 4.ペンデンティブの腰積みは中央のメインドームからの推力をバランスよく2方向の大アーチやペンデンティブに伝達するために重要な役割を果していることをあきらかにした。 BC2世紀のウィトル-ウィウスけいち建築書や15世紀のアルベルティ建築論に基づきモルタルの構成材料を分析を行うとともにモルタルの強度を推定するために材料実験を行っている。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1993 -1993 
    Author : 青木孝義
    本研究は、トルコのイスタンブールにあるハギア・ソフィア大聖堂を対象に設定し、特に本年度はハギア・ソフィア大聖堂とスレイマニエモスクのミナレットに注目して、1)文部省科学研究費国際学術研究学術調査により実施された常時微動測定結果の分析、2)コンクリート造および組積造の解析に不可欠な立体要素とシェル要素を用いた固有値解析、弾性地震応答解析プログラムの開発、3)結果の映像ぞう理を含む有限要素法による構造解析システムの構築、4)実測と図版に基づくミナレットの寸法関係の整理、5)数値解析モデルの設定、6)固有値解析によるレンガと石のヤング係数の同定、7)弾性地震応答解析を行った。以下にその成果を示す。 1.常時微動計測より、ハギア・ソフィア大聖堂南東部に位置するレンガ造ミナレットの固有振動数は1.00Hz、南西部に位置する石造ミナレットは1.25Hz、北東部に位置する石造ミナレットは1.00Hz、スレイマニエモスク南東部に位置する石造ミナレットは0.87Hz,北西部に位置する石造ミナレットは1.12Hzとそれぞれ測定でき、ミナレットの固有振動数は約1Hzであることをあきらかにした。 2.常時微動測定結果と有限要素法による固有値解析結果の比較より、目地(モルタル)を含むレンガと石のヤング係数はそれぞれコンクリートのヤング係数の約7.5分の1,約3.1分の1と推定できた。 3.弾性地震応答解析より、ミナレットにより破壊する位置が異なるものの崩壊最大加速alphaは中震に相当する20から31galにあることをあきらかにした。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)
    Date (from‐to) : 1992 -1992 
    Author : 青木 孝義
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1990 -1992 
    Author : HIDAKA Kenichiro; AOKI Takayoshi; NAKAI Izumi; SASANO Shiro; ISHIKAWA Koichiro; KAWABE Yasuhiro; SATO Tatsuki; MASHITA Kazuhiko; KATO Shiro; IIDA Kishiro; YORUIMAZ Miifit; AHUNBAY Zeynep; CCLC Fevidun; AHUNBAY Metin
    From August 1 to October 6 of 1992, our group carried out a series of surveys and measurements concerning historical and structural studies of the dome and semi-domes of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. Our research contains the following four works. 1) Photogrammetry of the western semi-dome and the central dome. 2) Measurement of the micro tremor. 3) Chemical analysis of building materials. 4) Detailed observation and visual recording of the dome cornice. The result of the photogrammetry is the contour maps of the western semi-dome and the central dome including pendentives. The digitized mesh data will be approximately 71,000 points for the central dome and 31,000 for the four pendentives. The analysis of the contour map of the central dome may give some information about the exact borders of the 6th century section adjoining to the reconstructed surface of 10th and 14th century. The area between the dome and the cornice could not be photographed from the floor because of the projection of the latter . The photogrammetry from the cornice was done but since data was not sufficient due to the Fossati railing blocking the view of this area, direct measurement were taken as compensation. The surveying work included the measurement of the inclination of the surface of the cornice stones. The surface finishing of the cornice stones was also examined and recorded. In order to obtain a series of structural information, simultaneous micro tremor measurements were carried out. According to our measurements, the fundamental frequency of Hagia Sophia is about I Hz in both Ns and EW directions. Micro tremors of the two of the four minarets were also measured. The fundamental frequencies of the south-west stone minaret and the south-east brick minaret are 1 Hz and 1.25 Hz respectively. The chemical and physical analyses of the samples taken from the city wall of Istanbul include Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, Thermogravimetric analysis, Infrared spectroscopy and SEM analysis.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 総合研究(B)
    Date (from‐to) : 1989 -1989 
    Author : 日高健一郎
    今年度中に全体研究会(メンバ-全員ないし大部分が出席)と個別研究打合せ会(メンバ-2、3名による会合)を計16回開き、トルコの歴史的な組積造ド-ム、特にハギア・ソフィア大聖堂のド-ムに関する国際共同研究にむけて、さまざまな準備を行った。主たる全体研究会の議事および成果は下記の通りである。 1)第1回研究会(平成元年7月8日):アルメニア建築についてのスライド会、および科研費海外学術調査応募に向けてのトルコ側研究者との連絡状況の報告 2)第2回研究会(平成元年8月9日):歴史的ド-ムの構造に関する各国研究グル-プの現状と将来の研究目標。今後の構造解析の展望。 3)第3回研究会(平成元年11月2日):日本学術振興会国際共同研究の採択による今後の研究計画について。トルコ側研究者との研究連絡状況について。ハギア・ソフィア大聖堂のド-ムに関する構造解析の中間報告と、ド-ムの実測、写真測量について種々の問題点が議論され、より詳しい計画案を策定することとなった。 4)第4回研究会(平成元年11月22日):ド-ムの施工方法に関する研究方法および実験方法について。 5)第5回研究会(平成元年12月8日):シェル要素を用いたハギア・ソフィア大聖堂のド-ムのモデル化について。文部省科研費海外学術調査採択による研究計画について。ド-ムの実測作業に関し、トルコ側研究者との役割分担、研究課題等が詳しく議論された。 6)第6回研究会(平成2年1月10日):トルコ側研究者との連絡状況の報告。 本研究は、国際共同研究にむけて研究者相互が研究打合せを行うもので、その点で十分な成果があげられた。しかし、研究の性格上、論文発表の形式はとらない。

Social Contribution

  • 史跡原爆ドーム保存技術指導委員会委員
    Date (from-to) : 2018/03/01-Today
    Role : Others
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 広島市
  • 萩反射炉保存修理委員会委員
    Date (from-to) : 2013/01/08-2013/03/22
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 行政
    山口県萩市 「九州・山口の近代化産業遺産群」として世界遺産登録を目標とした萩反射炉保存修理委員会の委員を務めた。全2回
  • 文化遺産を活かした観光振興・地域活性化事業(文化庁補助事業)
    Date (from-to) : 2012/06/18-2013/02/21
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 地域団体・NPO
    名古屋市 スマートフォンを活用した熱田界隈・本町通の文化財案内システムの構築(2012年6月18日、8月9日、9月10日、10月26日、12月12日、2013年2月21日)

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