Researchers Database


    Graduate School of Economics Department of Economics Professor
Last Updated :2024/09/07

Researcher Information


  • Ph.D. in Economics(Osaka University)


J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • Public Finance   地方財政論   政治経済学   公共経済学   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Public economics, labor economics

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2023 - Today  Nagoya City UniversityGraduate School of EconomicsProfessor
  • 2019 - 2023  Nagoya City UniversityGraduate School of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2013 - 2019  University of HyogoSchool of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2012 - 2013  Chiba University of CommerceSchool of Service InnovationAssociate Professor
  • 2009 - 2012  Chiba University of CommerceSchool of Service InnovationAssistant Professor
  • 2008 - 2009  Osaka UniversityOsaka School of International Public Policy(OSIPP)Assistant Professor
  • 2005 - 2007  日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2)


  • 2004/04 - 2008/03  大阪大学大学院  経済学研究科博士後期課程
  • 2002/04 - 2004/03  大阪大学大学院  経済学研究科博士前期課程
  • 1998/04 - 2002/03  Kwansei Gakuin University  School of Policy Studies

Association Memberships

  • 日本経済政策学会   日本地方財政学会   日本財政学会   公共選択学会   日本経済学会   

Published Papers

Conference Activities & Talks

  • Evaluation of Fiscal Effect on Municipal Mergers: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Japanese Municipal Data, (with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    Western Economic Association International 12th International Conference  2016/01
  • 市町村歳出と人口規模の実証分析(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    日本地方財政学会第23回大会  2015/05
  • 地方財政健全化指標と財政変数間の相互依存関係の実証分析(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    公共選択学会第18回全国大会  2014/11
  • 基準財政需要額の算定構造の再検証-都道府県パネルデータによる実証分析-(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    日本財政学会第71回大会  2014/10
  • 公共選択論及びその政策的含意の行方  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    日本公共政策学会第18回研究大会  2014/06
  • 平成の大合併と地方債(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    公共選択学会第17回全国大会  2013/11
  • 市町村財政に関する回帰不連続デザイン  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    第6回兵庫県立大学シンポジウム  2013/09
  • "Does local council size affect land development expenditure? Quasi-experimental evidence from Japanese municipal data," (with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    The 69th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance  2013/08
  • "Spatial Patterns of Flypaper Effects for Local Expenditures by Policy Objective in Japan: A Bayesian Approach," (with Kazuhiko Kakamu and Takashi Kuramoto)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    International Research Forum, Interaction between Private and Public Sectors  2013/03
  • "Does local council size affect land development expenditure?: Quasiexperimental evidence from Japanese municipal data," (with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    International Research Forum, Interaction between Private and Public Sectors  2013/03
  • 「市町村財政に関する非連続回帰分析」(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    青山学院大学「公共部門の意思決定における現代的課題の把握と理論的・実証的な解明」  2013/01
  • "Local Government Expenditure and Council Size: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Japan," (with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    5th Australasian Public Choice Conference  2012/12
  • "Spatial Patterns of Flypaper Effects for Local Expenditures by Policy Objective in Japan: A Bayesian Approach," (with Kazuhiko Kakamu and Takashi Kuramoto)  [Invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    CLAIR Forum 2012  2012/08
  • "Local Government Expenditure and Council Size: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Japan," (with Haruaki Hirota)  [Invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    CLAIR Forum 2012  2012/08
  • "Spatial Patterns of Flypaper Effects for Local Expenditures by Policy Objective in Japan: A Bayesian Approach," (with Kazuhiko Kakamu and Takashi Kuramoto)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    International Society for Bayesian Analysis  2012/06
  • 「市町村歳出と議会規模-非連続回帰デザインによる実証分析-」(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    日本地方財政学会第20回大会  2012/05
  • "Spatial Patterns of Flypaper Effects for Local Expenditures by Policy Objective in Japan: A Bayesian Approach," (with Kazuhiko Kakamu and Takashi Kuramoto)  [Not invited]
    Yunoue Hideo
    Second World Congress of the Public Choice Societies  2012/03
  • "Spatial Patterns of Flypaper Effects for Local Expenditures by Policy Objective in Japan: A Bayesian Approach," (with Kazuhiko Kakamu and Takashi Kuramoto)  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    「ベイズ分析のための数値計算技法とその経済・ファイナンス分析への応用」  2011/11
  • 「平成の大合併における議員特例の選択行動」  [Not invited]
    湯之上 英雄
    公共選択学会第15回全国大会  2011/07
  • 「平成の大合併における議員特例の選択行動」(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第15回全国大会  2011
  • "Municipal Merger and Special Provisions of Local Council Members in Japan,"(with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    中央大学ヒューマンエコノミー研究部会(水曜研究会との共催)  2011
  • 合併自治体における職員の充実度に関する実証分析(長峯純一氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    公共経済研究ワークショップ「公的部門の限界責任」(関西公共経済研究会との共催)  2011
  • "Municipal Merger and Special Provisions of Local Council Members in Japan,"(with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    The 2011 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society  2011
  • "Municipal Merger and Special Provisions of Local Council Members in Japan,"(with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    横浜市立大学公共選択研究会(大学院「総合演習I」との共催)  2011
  • "Municipal Merger and Special Provisions of Local Council Members in Japan,"(with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    東北学院大学経済学研究会  2011
  • 「自治体財政の健全化と行政評価-都市データによる実証分析-」(金坂成通氏・広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    日本財政学会第67回大会  2010
  • 「職員意識の調査・分析と合併自治体の課題」(長峯純一氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第14回全国大会  2010
  • 「平成の大合併による市町村議会費への影響」(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    日本地方財政学会第18回大会  2010
  • 「合併自治体の職員意識調査から見る市町村合併の検証」(長峯純一氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    日本公共政策学会2009年度研究大会  2009
  • 「類似団体別市町村財政指数表を用いた市町村合併の評価」(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    日本地方財政学会第17回大会  2009
  • "Does Broader-Based Local Government affect Expenditure? The Case of Japan,” (with Haruaki Hirota)  [Not invited]
    公共経済学若手研究者ワークショップ  2009
  • 「市町村財政における広域行政の影響」(広田啓朗氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第12回全国大会  2008
  • "Survival Analysis of the House of Representatives Members in Japan,"  [Not invited]
    IPP研究会-経済政策セミナーシリーズ-(大阪大学大学院経済学研究科木曜研究会との共催)  2008
  • "Survival Analysis of the House of Representatives Members in Japan,"  [Not invited]
    日本公共政策学会関西支部第2回例会(関西公共政策研究会第71回例会)  2008
  • "Stochastic Frontier Estimation of Elderly Welfare Expenses," (with Shin Saito)  [Not invited]
    日本財政学会第64回大会  2007
  • "Survival Analysis of the House of Representatives Members in Japan,"  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第11回全国大会  2007
  • "Aging Population and Regional Growth with Political Business Cycles," (with Shin Saito)  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第10回全国大会  2006
  • "Valuing Medical Schools in Japan: National Versus Private Universities," (with Mototsugu Fukushige)  [Not invited]
    「医療システムと医療専門家組織・保険者・民間保険機関の役割」研究集会  2006
  • 「地方交付税制度が歳出行動に与える影響~交付・不交付団体の差異に着目した実証分析~」(倉本宜史氏、小川亮氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    日本財政学会第62回大会  2005
  • "Valuing Medical Schools in Japan: National Versus Private Universities," (with Mototsugu Fukushige)  [Not invited]
    日本経済学会2005年度秋季大会  2005
  • 「特別交付税における官僚の影響に関する分析」  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第9回全国大会  2005
  • 「経済成長と所得税における政治的均衡」  [Not invited]
    日本経済学会2004年度秋季大会  2004
  • 「経済成長と所得税における政治的均衡」  [Not invited]
    関西公共経済研究会 公共経済セミナー(兵庫県立大学経済セミナーとの共催)  2004
  • 「利用面から見た道路の効率性と政治的要因」(福重元嗣氏との共同研究)  [Not invited]
    公共選択学会第8回全国大会  2004

Awards & Honors

  • 2023/10 Nagoya City University 2023 NCU High Impact Paper
     "Fiscal rules and creative accounting: Evidence from Japanese municipalities"
  • 2018/06 日本地方財政学会 Sato Prize
     Evaluation of the fiscal effect on municipal mergers: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japanese municipal data 
    受賞者: Yunoue Hideo;it;Hirota Haruaki

Research Grants & Projects

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 湯之上 英雄; 広田 啓朗; 小川 禎友; 齊藤 仁; 竹本 亨; 倉本 宜史
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 赤井 伸郎; 湯之上 英雄; 広田 啓朗; 齊藤 仁; 倉本 宜史; 宮錦 三樹; 足立 泰美
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2021/03 
    Author : Yunoue Hideo
    In this research, I tried to capture the fiscal effects of "the Law Relating to the Financial Soundness of Local Governments" on Japanese local public finance. I targeted four indexes newly introduced by the law, and focused on the differences between before and after the law. I also analyzed the local public finance just before the municipal merger that were supposed to strengthen the financial foundation. These results were published in peer-reviewed journals, for example Regional Science and Urban Economics.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2020/03 
    Author : AKAI Nobuo
    We were able to widely publicize our research results by reporting in academic conferences in Japan and overseas and by publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals. As a result, 45 academic papers and 5 books were written, 89 academic conference and seminar reports were made. By producing results in eight fields ((1) Urban structure field, (2) Local financial consolidation field, (3) Subsidy field, (4) Public sector efficiency field, (5) Medical field, (6) Welfare field, (7) municipal merger field and (8) infrastructure field), we were able to provide useful information in considering the management and policy of local governments. The award of the Japan Association of Local Public Finance and the policy proposals made through international joint research with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of South Africa are significant achievements.
  • 地方財政健全化法と地方財政変数の相互依存関係に関する実証分析
    Zengin Foundation:Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/10 -2016/12 
    Author : Yunoue Hideo
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2015/03 
    Author : AKAI nobuo; YUNOUE Hideo; HIROTA Haruaki; SAITOU Shin; KURAMOTO Takashi; ADACHI Yoshimi
    This research has clarified how the introduction of new public management affects the fiscal managements on public health, social security and public transportation, from the viewpoint of the efficiency of the fiscal management. This research has also calcified how the introduction of policy evaluation methods and consolidation of municipalities affect the expenditure of the local government, in order to consider the role of the public sector (municipalities). Finally, the trend of the expenditure is also discussed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : YUNOUE Hideo
    In this research, I tried to capture the effects of public sector evaluation in Japanese local government. I focused on the public sector evaluation, municipal mergers and spatial inter-dependencies. First, the financial situation of local government was improved by the project evaluation. Second, I found out that municipalities achieved reductions in their total expenditures with mergers. Third, I observed spatial dependencies in some areas of expenditure. It is seen that these policy areas are determined by the adjustment of central government. These results were published in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : NAGAMINE Junichi; YUNOUE Hideo
    I examined the Heisei municipal merger started by the Special Mergers Law amendment in 1999. Almost all mergers were realized in front of Due Date of the Law in which they could receive financial support. At that time, it was the shock of local allocation grant in the trinity reform that gave municipalities the incentive to merge. Also it was clarified in this research that the municipalities which merged were faced with the government reform, how to maintain the old public offices and citizen services, and how to encourage public officials to work positively.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(スタートアップ))
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2009 
    Author : Hideo YUNOUE
    I analyzed the public policy of aging population in Japan. I focused on the local public finance which takes a major role in the public policies in Japan. Since increase of aging population leads increase of the expenditure of elderly care, I also discussed that the expenditure of public long-term care insurance.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励費)
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : 湯之上 英雄

Committee Membership

  • 2023/04 - Today   Japan Institute of Public Finance   Director
  • 2020/05 - Today   Japan Association of Local Public Finance   Director
  • 2015/12 - Today   The Japan Public Choice Society   Director
  • 2016/05 -2019/04   The Japan Economic Policy Association   Director

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