Researchers Database


    Graduate School of Medical Sciences Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Last Updated :2024/07/05

Researcher Information

Research funding number

  • 70647049

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 低体重出生児   血流   神経新生   可塑性   プロテオグリカン   血管新生   細胞外マトリックス   脳室周囲器官   血液脳関門   神経内分泌   

Research Areas

  • Life sciences / Neuroanatomy and physiology
  • Life sciences / Neuroscience - general

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2021/04 - Today  Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical SciencesDepartment of Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology,Institute of Brain Science,Project assistant professor
  • 2012/10 - 2021/03  奈良県立医科大学第2解剖学講座(分子機能形態学講座)助教
  • 2011/04 - 2013/03  Kyoto Institute of TechnologyGraduate School of Science and Technology博士(学術)取得
  • 2011/04 - 2012/09  日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)
  • 2009/04 - 2011/03  Kyoto Institute of TechnologyGraduate School of Science and Technology
  • 2006/04 - 2009/03  Kyoto Institute of TechnologyUndergraduate Program of Applied Biology, School of Science and Technology
  • Kyoto University of Education

Association Memberships

  • THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR NEUROCHEMISTRY   日本神経内分泌学会   日本解剖学会   日本神経科学学会   

Published Papers

Books etc

  • 精神医学領域の論文を読みこなすキーワード100!
    (86. 血液脳関門)9784880028866


Awards & Honors

  • 2020/09 日本神経化学会 The Award for Young Investigator of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry
    受賞者: 竹村晶子
  • 2019/12 国際ソロプチミスト奈良クラブ賞女性研究者賞
    受賞者: 竹村 晶子
  • 2011/11 日本神経内分泌学会若手研究奨励賞
    受賞者: 森田 晶子

Research Grants & Projects

  • 高脂肪食摂取による肥満と脳の炎症~マクロファージに着目して~
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 竹村晶子
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03 
    Author : Wanaka Akio
    We found Olig2-expressing astrocytes, which are distinct from GFAP-expressing astrocytes. Olig2-astrocytes are distributed widely in the adult brain. They are localized to the brain nuclei known to contain inhibitory neuronal terminals, suggesting that Olig2-astrocytes may be involved in the inhibitory GABAergic transmission as a component of "tripartite synapse". The globus pallidus (GPe) is one of the representative nucleus that contains a number of Olig2-astrocytes. Interestingly, Olig2-astrocytes and GFAP-astrocytes occupied mutually-exclusive teritories in the GPe. We found that the processes of Olig2-astrocytes were associated with GABAergic neuronal terminals. We tried to knock-down GAT-3, a glial GABA transporter, with adeno-associated virus vector harboring shRNA of GAT-3. The knock-down efficiency was unfortunately low and we did not see any effects on behaviors of virus vector-transduced mice.
  • 高脂肪食がもたらす脳の炎症と肥満の関係ー脳に侵入するマクロファージに着目してー
    公益財団法人 三島海雲記念財団:2019年度学術研究奨励金申請書【自然科学部門】
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/06 -2020/05 
    Author : 竹村晶子
  • 脳室周囲器官は炎症情報を脳実質に伝える窓口である-血管周囲免疫細胞の役割-
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : 森田 晶子
  • 免疫応答における「脳の窓」感知系脳室周囲器官の物質透過制限機構
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2015/03 
    Author : 森田 晶子
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014 -2015 
    Author : Morita Shoko
    The sensory circumventricular organs (CVOs), which comprise the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, the subfornical organ and the area postrema, lack a typical blood-brain barrier and monitor directly blood-derived information to regulate body fluid homeostasis, inflammation, feeding, nausea and vomiting. Until now, almost nothing has been documented about vascular features of the sensory CVOs except fenestration of vascular endothelial cells. I demonstrated that continuous angiogenesis occurs in the adult sensory CVOs. My data indicate that continuous angiogenesis is dependent on vascular endothelial growth factor signaling and responsible for the dynamic plasticity of vascular structure and permeability.
  • 感知系脳室周囲器官における血管新生の生理的意義の解明とその人為的制御
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2014/03 
    Author : 森田 晶子
  • 脳におけるコンドロイチン硫酸プロテオグリカンと神経回路可塑性
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2012/09 
    Author : 森田 晶子

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